Letter's To Friends & Family

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                    ~Chapter 70~

I couldn't sleep much so around 5:00am I went over to my desk in my room and started writing letters to everyone. First I started with Maddy and Dari and just wrote down what I felt from my heart. The best and only way you should write a letter.

I do the same thing as I did with Maddy and Dari's and put it on top making a stack out of them. Next I go onto Cyrus and Christina's letter hoping that all of this will show everyone how grateful I am and how much they all mean to me. I could write so much to them but it would turn out to be a chapter book at the end of the day.

I look out my window and see the sunrise coming up over the trees. It's beautiful, nature is amazing. I look at the time and notice its still early so I go back to writing the letters for a bit longer.

I put on my headphones and listen to music on my playlist while singing to a few. Most of the songs I had on my playlist I knew all the lyrics to but also a few I was still learning. When I finish the letters I move onto writing a few lyrics of my own down in my notebook. Suddenly my phone starts to make a strange sound do I look at it and notice I'm getting a video chat from Chris so I Anwer.

~Video Chat~

Chris: Hey did I wake you?

Zoey: No I was already awake.

Chris: Oh ok I just wanted to check up with you and see how you were going.

Zoey: I'm doing good trying to keep my ex off my mind.

Chris: You think about him much?.

Zoey: I only started thinking about him last night.

Chris: Can I give you a suggestion on what to do?.

Zoey: Sure I need it.

Chris: Through my brake ups in the past for me I've felt many different emotions I had no clue I even had. I found writing songs helped me move past that and I think maybe you should see how that goes for you.

Zoey: That's a great idea thankyou.

Chris: You'll make a killer album out of lyrics from the heart and I'll be excited to see what you come up with.

Zoey. Thankyou and for everything you've done for me I wouldn't be able to live this dream if it wasn't for you.

Chris: No problem I saw talent in you that the world needed to see and I'm glad I helped you. I appreciate you working with me on our song the fans will love it.

Zoey: They will. Still on tour?.

Chris: Yeah I have a couple shows left you should come to the after party.

Zoey: Where's it at?.

Chris: In La I'll send you the details if you wanna come.

Zoey: Hmm?.

Chris: It woint be a party without you.

Zoey: You mean without you since it's your tour.

Chris: You toured with me halfway through so you know it wouldn't be the same without you. Bring some friends if you want I'd love to see the people that make you so positive and down to earth.

Zoey: Alright I'll come and I'll bring some of the guys with me I know a few of them love tour music.

Chris: oh really that's great well I hate to end this call but I got to go on stage soon. I'll see you at the party.

Zoey: Alright I'll see you then have fun.

Chris and I hang up and I go back to writing some songs and taking Chris's advice. Write from the heart it will have more meaning then what you can come up with in your head.

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