Dear Cyrus & Christina

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                     ~Chapter 80~

I pick up the second last letter and go back out and into my car to drop it off at Cyrus and Christina's place. 30 minutes later I put the letter in their mail box and then head of into town to a couple of things. The last letter was to my sister and I know she woint get it but it was nice to get everything I felt off my chest.

I park my car in the carpark and go into the mall to get a couple of things. I go throgh the doors and walk inside my security guard walking with me since I meet up with him earlier. I take a couple pictures with fans and smile as I sign some of their things.

~Cyrus's Pov~

I go outside after having my morning coffee and go and get the mail. Picking up the evolopes I notice some handwriting on one that looks likes Zoey's so I take it inside and call Christina once I'm in the kitchen. When she comes down I hand her the letter and we start reading it together.

Dear Cyrus and Christina

The moment life throw all these dark heavy hearted problems on me was the time you guys saved the day. Your wise, inspiring words got me out of my slump and made me believe that I was going to be OK in the end. More than ever Ive realised I doint have to go through these type of things because I have everyine surrounding me with nothing but love and support.

Your the goofy couple of the group and thats what many of us love about you. A couple that makes anyone and everyone laugh even when the mood is down. You guys inspire me to have a type of love likes yours one day and you've always believed I will find that one day. Your both just out of this world with everything you do and I'm grateful to know you both.

Cyrus you saved me from being hurt badly. You put my ex in his place and you made sure he knew who he was dealing with if he ever came near me again. Your a protecter and your good at it. You protect those you love. Your family, friends, animals and even your amazing wife.

I didn't get the chance to tell you thankyou after what happened so I'll let you know here instead. I never thought that would happend but I was glad you were there just in time. Your a legend for that and I will always thankyou for that. You guys let me stay in your house when I lost mine and you always made sure I was comftable in any way possible.

Christina your beautiful inside and out and everyone that knows you personally would say the same thing. Your passion to save animals that are hurt is amazing and shows you have a really big heart. Your beauty is just as amazing as your singing voice and by just hearing you sing made me want to try it. You helped me become a better singer and you always nugged me to live out my dreams.

Throughout the time I've known you guys I've always felt like I was ment to be around such down to earth, inspiring people like yourselves and no matter what I write for you guys it will never really put the write words into place. Thankyou from the bottom of my heart for always being the Hero's to the people needing it. You inspire me to keep going and I can't wait to see what such a beautiful couple create together in the future.

Yours truely Zoey.

Aw my gosh I'm going to cry. Christina says.

Aw doint cry babe. That was heartfelt and had a lot of meaningful words behind it. I say hugging Christina.

I doint know what Zoe's doing today but I send her a text telling her that we opened the letter and we cryed it was that touching to us. We're blessed to have her in our lives.

~End of Pov~

I arrive back home once it's dark out after being busy with doing errends all day. I stopped at a friend's house and had dinner with them and now as I go back inside my house my phone dings. Going up to my room I check it and see a couple messages so I reply to them and do my night routine. Once I'm done I put my phone to the side and fall asleep in my bed.

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