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                     ~Chapter 48~

Darius, Lucus, Marcus and I all got to go to Lollapalooza with American Egale so that's what we're doing today. While we are walking around the guys wanted to take pictures so I ended up being their photographer for the day. I take a picture for Lucus and Marcus where Lucus is on Marcus's shoulders and then later on one with Darius doing his model face next to a fountain. I walk around with them for hours until they have done what they needed to do.

For most of the day I helped them take videos for their instagram storys and got them whatever they needed. I dicided to take the long walk back to the entrance while they finish off interviews and other things like that.
Serveral hours later I reach the entrance of the park and drink the rest of my water that I brought earlier while putting my sunglasses on.

While I wait for the guys I sit on a bench and text Ben back on my phone. We have gone on many dates over the last couple of weeks and now he says he has somthing to tell me when I get back in town. I wonder what it is, hopefully I didn't say or do anything. The guys come up and meet me and we head back to the hotel for some lunch.

After a while we get back and go into a Starbucks to get some food and drinks. I pay for Marcus since he left his wallet in the hotel room. When we get our stuff we go into the hotel and up to our floor in the elevator. Reaching our floor we get out and start walking down the long hallway to our room. We had an suite with four bedrooms so we all shared the one room. Reaching the door we go inside and chill out on the belcony eating our food and drinking our drinks.

Thanks for buying my stuff for me Zoe I'll pay you back when we get back home. Marcus says from the chair next to me.

Oh no problem you doint need to pay me back it's fine. I say.

Are you sure?. Marcus asks.

Yes. I say.

You know I doint think people see how much of a good person you are Zoe despite what you've been through. Lucus says from his chair opposite me and next to Darius.

What do you mean?. I ask.

One thing I know for sure is that you do things for people and doint espect anything in return. You always seem to be someones sun in their cloudy days and you never give up. Darius says.

You and Steve are honestly two of the strongest and bravest twins I know and I know that Lucus and I look up to you guys. Marcus says.

Doint get me wrong you guys are really sweet but where is this all coming from?. I ask.

I think these days people doint tell each other enough and after everything we have seen or heard to go through we just needed to tell you. Just like you did on the song you write for my birthday. Which was amazing by the way. Darius says.

You should do another video. Lucus says.

Thanks Dari what song should I cover?. I ask.

Ohh what about Ed Sheeran Beautiful People I know you love that song. Marcus says.

Yeah thats a great song. I say.

For the rest of the day we chill out talking, planning youtube videos and playing random games. Once it gets dark we get dinner down at the restaurant spending some time there. After dinner I start to get a bit more tired so I exuse myself and go back upstairs to the room. Once I'm on the floor and at the door I unlock the door and go into the bathroom getting ready for bed.

A few minutes later when I finish everything I hear the door open and the guys come in to their rooms. I walk over to my suitcase and put everything back neatly before going to bed and almost falling asleep instantly.

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