Home From Coachella

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                     ~Chapter 26~

~Darius's Pov~

How did it go Ethan asks while he washes the dishes.

Better than I thought it would. They have given him another chance but I just caint help but think he hasn't changed I say.

I've got that slight feeling to but the pepole Zoe and Steve have surrounded themselves with will be there for them Ethan says.

Yeah. Hey thanks for being here for them and everything else I say.

It's the least I could do after everything they have done for Gray and I. Ethan says.

We say night to each other and I go out to the guest house. Going into the bedroom I see Zoey asleep, she's slightly tossing and turning. Seeing their dad after so many years must have shaken them up a lot I doint blame them.
I get into bed and fall asleep with my arm wrapped around Zoe's waist.
~End of Pov~

~The next day Ethan's Pov~

I sit in my room editing a youtube video until I hear a knock on the door. I take off my headphones and say come in. I push back on my chair and see Zoey come in with a note in her hand.

Hey what's up I ask her.

Hey Steve, Dari and I think we should head back home to the others. Could you please give this to Jaxon its the address of our house for when he gets out Zoey says handing me the note.

Of course I'll go in with Gray. This will all get better Zoe, you and Steve have stuck through the most difficult storms together and have always come out the other end. I believe that you guys have this too. I say taking the note and hugging her.

Thanks Eth for everything. You and Gray are amazing pepole Zoey says.

I leave my room with her and go to Grays room while Zoe goes and gets her bag. Knocking on his door he comes and opens it and I let him know what we need to go. He gets ready and I go out to the kitchen grabing my keys and waiting by the door for the others.

A few minutes later we are all ready and I'm now taking them to the airport. *skip a few hours* Gray and I are now at the hospital going into Jaxons hospital ward. Walking in I can understand how they must of felt. We reach the end of his bed and he looks up at us.

What can I do for you Jaxon says.

Zoey wanted us to give you these I say handing him the notes.

Jaxon just make sure you doint ever hurt them again. They have been through a lot Grayson says as Jaxon reads the notes.

I doint plan to ever again. I just caint believe who I was thanks to your farther he was the farther they needed Jaxon says.

Well now you can be the farther they needed growing up. When do you get out of this place Gray says.

Soon I hope Jaxon says.

For a couple more minutes we stay and then we leave. We didn't show our emotions to him but when he talked about our dad it was hard but I know dad will always be watching over us. We soon get home and just spend the rest of the day relaxing and resting from coachella.
~End of Pov~

Dari parks in the driveway at the house and gets out. We grab our bags and head inside. We take off our shoes at the door inside and go into our rooms. I go in to Darius room and sit my bag down against the wall. Suddenly Marcus head pops around the corner and comes and give me a hug. I tell thim everythings ok and just lay on daris bed exhausted from the trip.

~Marcus's Pov~

I walk into the living room and sit on the couch with Lucus. Dari comes in after me and lays down on the beanbag letting out a sigh. Cyrus and Christina come in and sit next to us.

We heard you guys were back how did it go Cyrus asks.

It went alright there just exhausted. It took a lot out of them Dari says.

Yeah it would of I just hope they will be okay I say.

They have us they will be ok plus they have stuck by each other through thick and thin so I know they will get through this lucus says.

Hey guys I'm just going to go to bed. Zoey's asleep so doint be to loud Steve says.

Alright bro get some rest Dari says.

Steve goes to bed and a few hours later after dinner the rest of us do the same. Whatever Steve and Zoey need I'll be here for them.
~End of Pov~

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