Early Flight Home

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                    ~Chapter 18~

We were already at the airport heading to Georgia because cam needed to go back to Collage. While the plane landed several hours later the twins and I said our goodbyes to cam.

Bye Zoe it was nice seeing you again cam said.

You to cam I say.

As she walks out of the airport after giving her brothers a hug the twins and I go onto our next plane to La. Sitting on the plane I think I should get some sleep before the 3rd plane home. I put my earphones in my ears and try to sleep.

 ~Marcus's Pov~

Lucus and I just finished filming a video and then we dicided to go out for some breakfast with Steve. Once we get into the car everyone fits in I start to drive to our breakfast place. I've noticed since Zoey's been away Steve has been more quiet and always checking his phone. The drive to where we go is not far from the house so we arrive and I park the car in a parking space before we all go in.

~Lucus's Pov~

Going inside Marcus, Steve and I find a table and look at the menus. The waiter is quick to come and take our orders. Marcus and I talk and ask Steve things but he seems to be distracted by somthing on his phone. Out of the corner of my eye I see that Steve is tracking somthing...Is that a flight?.

Yo Steve you ok? I ask.

Yeah why Steve asks me.

You've just been on your phone the whole time I reply.

Yeah I'm done now Steve says locking his phone and putting it in his pocket.

The food comes and we all start to eat. Somthing seems a bit off with Steve I'll have to figure it out later.

~End of Pov~

Serveral hours later I'm back in La and ready to catch my last flight. I say bye to the twins and borad the plane. I find my seat and sit down texting my brother.

*Text from Zoey*
Hey bro I'm on my last flight back home so I'll be back in a couple of hours.

*Text from Steve*
Hey sis did you want me to pick you up I need to talk to you about somthing.

*Text from Zoey*
Sure but I'm not sure if I'll stay awake this jet-lag is kicking in so bad right now. Is everything alright.

*Text from Steve*
OK yeah everythings fine.

~Steve's Pov~

This secret is killing me inside. I want to tell the brothers but I caint what if dad finds us and try's to hurt us again. As much as I want my dad to change I doint think he will but I will always hope that he does change someday. The Twins were getting suspicious on somthing so I just made up an excuse until I talk with Zoey.

Lucus and Marcus leave to use the bathroom when my phone goes off. I check my phone to see zoey's texted. I text back and then pay for the breakfast. I wait outside and soon the twins come out and we all head home.

~Darius's Pov~

Zoe's just been away for three days and I already miss her like crazy. I chilled out on the sofa watching a film until my phone lights up.
I check and see some texts from Zoe.

*Text from Zoey*
Hey babe on my way home after three flights. I should be getting in around the afternoon but doint worry about picking me up Steve said he will. Caint wait to see you. xo
*Text from Darius*
Hey babe ok I'll cook some food for you so you can let yourself relax. Caint wait to see too xo.

~Cyrus's Pov~

I walk up to the main house after getting a text from Lucus saying that Steve was acting a bit off so I dicided I should have a chat with Dari and see what he says. I go through the garage and open the door letting the alarm for the door go off. I take my shoes off and call out. I hear Dari in the living room and head up there. Going up the stairs I see Dari looking at me after he says that Zoey will be here tonight.
I tell Dari what the text said before going back to mine.

~End of Pov~

Many hours have passed Steve has picked me up and I'm now at the brothers house in my comfortable chloths asleep with Dari in his room. I caint help but think about what Steve said to me and I think that he's right we have to tell the brothers. It's not a big secret or anything secret it's just complicated when our dad comes into the picture.

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