Makeup Looks & Media Drama

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                      ~Chapter 91~

I sit on the floor facing the mirror as I try and attempt to a bratz doll makeup look just for a bit of fun. I do my eyes and then my lips making sure I get it to look somewhat doll like. After a couple of minutes I finish and call in Kiki to come in and have a look. To be honest it looks real like I could be a real life bratz doll if I just added contacts. Kiki comes in and looks at me with a amazed look on her face.

Omg that looks amazing. Here let me take a picture of you on your phone. Kiki says.

Crazy right. I say as I hand her my phone.

That's insane. You should do my halloween makeup. Kiki says taking pictures of me.

I could try. I say getting my phone back.

ZOE YOUR ON THE NEWS. Darius calls out.

What do you mean?. I ask leaving my room and walking over to the sitting room with Kiki.

Have a look your on Tmz. Dari says.

Tmz like to take things the wrong way at times. The media always gets confused. Kiki says.

I sit down and look at the tv. It's August and I walking out of the studio together to go get lunch and meet up with friends a couple of days ago but somehow they caught August helping me with my shopping back home. The papz are always lurking just to get a story and it's kinda creepy. I know it's their job but following someone around that's not so big in the industry is a bit sketch at the best of times.

*News Report On TV*

Upcoming star Zoey Perez was seen getting help by the celeb August Alsina in her home town as well as been spotted at a party and at a studio in La with him. In the back of a fans video you can see Zoey and August sharing what looks like a very close hug. Fans of Zoey's say they only just meet a couple days ago and are just becoming friends while August's fans say they could end up together in the future.

What shocked us about this whole story was this video that surfaced of her ex fiance denying their was any physical contact with her. Zoey's ex Ben says he didn't hurt Zoey and that she just said that in her magazine story to get more fans. Here's the videos from Ben and August talking about the drama.

Ben: First of all everything that you hear about Zoey is not real. I loved that girl and that's why I wanted to marry her but after a friend of hers told her I cheated on her she immediately called of the engagement. I never did anything wrong by her. I never hit her and made her feel bad. Zoey wrote that magazine story to hurt me and just get more fans so doint believe anything that girl says for her being around this August guy it bothers me that he be the one for her. He's not the right one for her and even if their just friends Zoey should not be around him.

August: For the drama evolving me, Zoey and her ex I just wanna say that nothing that man says is true and who is he to say that I'm not the one for her. If we became a couple it doesn't concern this Ben guy and I would definitely hand on heart treat her far better than he ever did. Me and Zoey are just friends and that's all it is. Ive been luckily enough to get to know Zoey over the past few days and she is the sweetest girl I've meet. She's been through hell with her ex and he did hurt her and I know many people would back her up. Zoey shows her pain and her feelings through her music and all I can say now is that girl went through some rough stuff so if you should believe anyone it's her.

We still haven't heard what Zoey has to say about what Ben and August but when we do I'm sure it will be posted somewhere on the news. For now that's the latest update.

*End of News report* 

What's you being friends with someone got to do with him. Dari says getting frustrated.

I doint know Dari but it's ok. I say.

He better not come near you or try anything else or he will have to come through me. Dari says.

Even if he did I'm always with one of you guys or one of the girls you doint need to worry about me Dari. I say.

I know I just want to protect you. Your my Lil sister. Dari says.

I know and you do. I say.

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