The Darkest Days

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                         ~Chapter 39~

I was sat on Steve's bed watching YouTube videos on his new TV he got a couple days ago. Suddenly there was a knock on Steve's door and someone was opening it slightly.

Come in Steve says.

Hey guys Darius, Cyrus and the others have just pulled up Lucus says.

Thanks bro we will come out now Steve says.

Steve turns off his TV and we make our way outside. Catching up with the others Cyrus, Christina, Darius and Alex all see us walk out a look of suprise on their faces when they see Steve and I.

Hey guys I thought you were staying with your family Alex says.

We were but somthing happened and we couldn't stay there we just needed to be home Steve says.

Is everything ok guys Cyrus asks.

H...hes..g...gone I stutter.

Babe I'm so sorry Dari says hugging me tight.

Bro I'm truly sorry for your loss Cyrus says hugging Steve.

Aw man that happened so fast Alex says.

The guys all hug us and we eventually all go inside. Feeling not like ourselves was a understatement at this time. I felt like the world was forcing me into a deep, dark black hole. I didn't feel happy, my cheerful self faded away and the only thing keeping my spirits up was my twin brother Steve. Steve and I dicided to leave the house and go sit out on the propertys field.

We sit down and I get a text from mum saying that everything is done and the service will be tomorrow. I show Steve and from then on we just sit outside in the piece and quiet the only notices are the sound of birds and the trees blowing in the wind.

~Aurelia's Pov~

I arrive at my sons house and see Steve and Zoey sat on the grass togetter. I walk into the house and say hello to my sons. I take off my shoes at the door and walk in to see everyone with either worried or sad faces.

Why all the long faces? I ask.

Oh hey mum... Um Steve and Zoey's dad passed away  yesterday morning from what they have told us. Dari says.

Oh no I hope their ok. I say.

As long as they are togetter they will be. They have us too. Cyrus says.

What happend?. Boz asks.

Zoey and Steve lost their dad yesterday dear. I say.

Before Boz can react we hear the side door open and Zoey and Steve come up into the kitchen. They look fragile and looks like they could brake into a million pieces at any moment.

~End of Pov~

The funeral is tommow. I say to everyone.

I'll come with you guys. Dari says.

I'll come for moral support and the others will be here waiting for when we get back. Cyrus says.

Are you sure guys?. Steve asks.

Of course we want to be there for you guys. Cyrus says.

I think I'm just going to go to bed but thankyou guys for everything. I say.

I go into the bedroom and lay on the bed while I hear the rest of the guys moving around in the kitchen. Eventually I hear Steve go into his room and the bedroom door opens to reveal Darius. He sits on the bed facing me while I sit up and he starts to talk.

I know that this is a really hard time for you and Steve but I want you to know that I'm here for the long run. The dark days, the good days, every struggle we will get through them together. You and Steve are amazing pepole and doint deserve this to happen to you but this storm will pass and you have me, you have all of us and I promise that for the both of you. Dari says.

I believe it will. Thankyou for saying that babe. I say.

Darius lays back in the bed and pulls me to lay next to him. I lay down and rest my head on his chest as we both drift off to a peaceful sleep.

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