The First Date

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                     ~Chapter 6~

I wake up to the sound of my phone beeping on my desk. I get up and out of my bed to get my phone. Taking my phone off my desk I go back to my bed and unlock my phone.

I see that I have texts from Marcus, Darius, Ethan and Grayson. I dicide to text Ethan and Grayson first since they are two of my best friends because of their sister.

*Group chat w/The Dolan twins*

Grayson. Hey Zoey heard you moved to La with your brother we should catch up soon.

Ethan. Cameron told us she was so excited.

Zoey. Hey guys I'm in La and would love to catch up with you guys soon.

Grayson. What are your plans for thext month.

Zoey. I'm busy for a couple of weeks but I can let you know when I'm free.

Ethan. Alright I'll add cam and we can all talk later. *adds his sister to the chat*

Grayson. We better go but we will talk soon.

Zoey. OK bye guys.

Ethan. Byee

After texting the twins in the group chat I text Darius.

Darius. Hey Zoey slight change of plans I've got to help the twins with a video can I take you out for dinner instead.

Zoey. Hey Dari of course no worries I'll see you tonight.

Darius. It's a date caint wait!.

I smile at how sweet he is and also how excited he is to go on the date. I lay on my bed and text Marcus back.

Marcus. Hey Zoey we should hang out soon I would like to get to know you better if your going to be with my brother.

Zoey. Hey Marcus Darius and I are just going on a date that's all. I doint think he will like me like that.

Marcus. He likes you and I feel like you guys are ment to be he's excited for your date.

Zoey. He is isent he. Look I'm going to get ready but I'll catch you later.

Marcus. Alright see you soon.

I put my phone on my wireless charger and start to get ready. I pick up a dress from my waldrobe and go into the bathroom to have a shower and then get changed.

~Marcus's Pov~

We just wrapped up the video and are now heading back upstairs to our apartment. Alex came with us today because we dicided to let Steve have a day off.

Going into the elevator I notice Dari smiling at his phone. Why doint they just date already he's clearly crushing on her so bad right now.

Do you know what your going to wear for your date Dari Lucus asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

Uh a button up shirt and some pants. I'll look fresh doint worry guys Dari says.
Do you think you guys will become a thing I ask as the elevator reaches our floor and we walk out.

Yeah I believe we will I really like her and I think the more we hang out the more I'll fall in love with her Dari says.

That's soo cute Alex says as he walk up to our door.

Dari unlocks the door and we all head inside to the lounge. I sit down with the guys and look at my instagram and notice that the others are doing the same except for Alex who is on his computer.

~End of Marcus's Pov~

I got changed into a white off the shoulder bodycon dress and I just let my hair naturally fall out of the ponytail. As I'm fixing my hair I hear the tv go on in the lounge room... Steve must be out there.

I then move onto my makeup as my phone lights up several times. I finish my makeup look and go back into my room to see why my phone is freaking out.

A bunch of texts from the group chat and many notifications from instagram. I take a selfie and put it onto my insta with the caption Night out on the town 🌙 w/ someone special.
I post the picture on my instagram and then check my instagram I notice that I got a bunch of follows, likes and comments from the last post.

I receive some likes on my new post but some new notifications catch my eye. I see that Darius has followed me. 

@dariusdobre started following you.
@dariusdobre liked your post.
.@dariusdobre commented. 🤔 ☺
@steveperezm liked your post.

I like Darius comment and the put my black high heels on. Grabing my bag I put my phone and keys in my purse and head out of my room while putting my purse over my shoulder.

(The picture above 👆 is Zoey in this book)

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