Spooky Pranks

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                     ~Chapter 81~

I wake up and check the time. It's already the spooky season, this year has gone by so quickly. I get up and get changed and do what I usually do to get my day started. Once I'm done I go downstairs and to my kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I pour myself some cereal and then eat it while thinking of a few things. For some strange reason I had a feeling that Cyrus, Dari or one of the other guys were going to prank me today but honestly after living here and being around them for a while it doesn't surprise me.

Let's just see if the brothers do when I go and see them now. I finish my breakfast and rinse my dish before heading over to the main house. Walking up the front steps to the door I see a masked chost come up behind me and tap my shoulder but I keep walking and go inside.

Nice try Cyrus but I know it's you. I say as I take off my shoes and putting them near the door.

Ah man well hey at least you can help us prank the others. Cyrus says removing the mask.

Alright who's next on your list?. I ask him.

That would be Alex. Cyrus says handing me the camera.

I film them throwing a bowl of plastic fake spiders over Alex's head scaring him awake. We get his reaction and I then pass the camera to Dari crying with laughter and staying behind the camera. The next person to get was Steve so the guys walk down the steps and do the same prank to Steve. Cyrus goes and puts the mask on so then he sneaks into Marcus's room to go into his waldrobe.

Hiding in there Dari asks for his sweatpants back and Marcus gets them to only get scarred once he opens his waldrobe door. The guys get Lucus in his car and then Maddy once she passes by. These guys go crazy with their pranks but the reactions they get are very funny. For the rest of the day they try very hard to prank me but nothing they did or tryed worked.

I guess I just caint be pranked. Maddy and I leave the guys to their pranks and head off to the dance studio to learn some dancers. Once we get there Maddy teaches me a few dancers and I seem to get them faster then I thought I would. Maddy to me is like a sister or even a soul sister. She knows me just as well as Steve and the brothers do and she's also my best friend.

Maddy I have an idea but could you tell me what you think about it?. I ask her.

Sure. Maddy says with a smile.

I'm thinking of starting a mental heath series on my blog called let's talk what do you think?. I say.

I think it's a great idea. It's something not many people talk about and always hide behind because their worried what other people think or their not normal. You should do I would read them. Maddy says.

Yeah it is. Thankyou. I say.

We spend a couple of hours dancing before we head back home. A few minutes later we arrive back by the time the sun sets and we go inside and have dinner with the guys in the main house. Many more hours I go back to mine, get ready for bed and then soon find myself on my bed drifting of into a deep sleep but not before I locked the doors so the brothers couldn't sneak in and prank me even though I never leave my door unlocked. The trees sway in the wind as I relax and go into an even deeper sleep.

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