Getting To Know La W/Steve

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                      ~Chapter 3~

~Steve's Pov~

I wake up as soon I feel the sun on my face and the twins tapping my arm.

What's up is everything ok I say rubbing my eyes.

Everythings fine but looks like Zoey and Darius got cozy last night Marcus says after taking a picture of them.

What do you mean i say slowly getting up from the beanbag.

Look at them Zoeys head is on Darius's chest and his arms wrapped around her waist Lucus says.

I look over at them and see them fast asleep together. With a slight smile I fix my hair and wait for Zoey to wake up.

Yo these two are cute Cyrus says coming out of his room.

Yeah they are would you like them togetter Steve Marcus asks me.

I doint know I guess whatever happens, happens really I say.

I notice that Zoeys starting to wake up and open her eyes.

~End of Steve's Pov~

I wake up and feel a arm around my waist. I look up and notice that all of the guys are up and are looking at me. I see the twins, Steve and Cyrus so that must mean that Darius is next to me.

Good morning sleeping beauty we should head off Steve says.

Alright I say carefully moving Darius arm.

I get up and follow Steve out the door. Walking back to our apartment my phone starts to ring in my pocket. I take my phone out of my pocket.

*on a phone call*

Hello is this Zoey Perez a man says.

Hi this is what can I do for you I say.

Hi Zoey I'm Tom calling in regards of a tesla being shipped to you. Now the just to make sure we have the right car can you confirm that Elen is the sender Tom says.

That's correct I say walking into the apartment with Steve.

Ok it's been dropped off at the shop to get fixed in your area. It will be ready to pick up tomorrow at *says location* 10am tom says.

Thankyou I'll pick it up then I say in excitement as we end the call.

What's going on there Steve asks.

Our car is here it's just getting wrapped I say.

Oh really well I'm going to take a shower and get ready and then we can head out Steve says.

Alright I'll go get ready too I say walking to my room.

Steve goes into his room and starts to get ready. I go into my bathroom and run myself a bath before picking an outfit for after. 30 minutes later I get changed and redo my hair this time just putting it into a ponytail.

Once I've sprayed some perfume I leave my room and go hang out in the lounge room while I wait for Steve.

~Darius's Pov~

I get shaken awake by Cyrus telling me I need to wake up so I open my eyes and look up at all my brothers smiling.

What are you guys smiling about I say getting up.

Look at this you and Zoey fell asleep togetter Marcus says showing me a picture on hi phone.

Oh i noticed her getting tired so I told her she could fall asleep on my shoulder if she wanted to, I guess I just ended up falling asleep on her to I say walking to my room.

Dari you can tell us if you have a crush on her Lucus says with a grin.

Look I'll admit she's cute but I doint know her well enough I say.

Why doint you ask her to hang out tommow or something maybe Steve can give you her number Cyrus asks.

I'll think about it I say as I get ready for the day.

After a couple of minutes I get a text from Marcus. He sent me the picture of Zoey and I sleeping and a text saying "You guys would be a cute couple." I lock my phone and put it in my pocket smiling maybe I will have to get her number.

~End of Darius's Pov~

Alright I'm ready to go now Zoe Steve says.

OK let's go I say walking to the door and going out of it.

Steve and I walk down to the garage. Going down in the elevator we reach the garage and head to Steves car.

Getting in his car we soon make our way out of the garage and around La. Steve and I reach a road filled with trees and pull over.

I'll take a picture of you here for your insta Steve says taking off his seatbelt.

Ok I say handing him my phone and getting out of his car.

Steve gets out of his car and comes over to me telling me the best location to be for the photo. Steve takes a few different pictures while I do different poses. For the rest of the day we explore before heading home hours later and going to bed my excitement growing for getting the new car tomorrow.

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