Papas + Copia HC - Moving In

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Request: the papas and copia asking their s/o to move in with them? Them helping move their stuff and what not?


your request is my Big Relationship Step hc!

Papa I: He doesn't make a big deal about it! brings it up casually in conversation, saying that it would be easier if you simply lived together, so you could see each other more often, and also cheaper! you come to this decision together, and when it comes to moving you have to ask for help from the ghouls and your own friends. papa i is pretty old, can't risk having him hurt himself carrying furniture!

Papa II: little bigger deal than i, but nothing close to his dramatic younger brother. pops his head into your office at the church with a single long stemmed red rose, with a ribbon tied around the stem, holding a freshly cut set of keys. "Hello, my sweetness. May I have a moment?" he makes the proposal. when it comes time to move, he wont let you lift a finger. Non-toxic masculinity comes in, cause sure he wants to be that big macho strong man in front of you, but you know hes strong, and make him dinner at the end of the day to show your thanks!

Papa III: we know this man is dramatic but holy shit. he takes this big relationship step to a whole new level. is the most excited. plans a grandiose date, roses, candles, a fancy dinner, the whole nine yards. Whats that big box in his pocket? Could it be? no. when you finish your meals he pulls out the box, gets down on one knee, and opens the box to reveal a set of black cut keys. You laugh loudly and he grins. "Got ya. Wanna move in with me?". you have to call the ghouls to help you move because papa iii is either working or standing the corner eating noodles from a takeaway container

Cardinal Copia: invites you over for dinner one evening after work, and you arrive to see his place completely rearranged! big empty spaces are left in all the rooms, empty spaces on the shelf. he starts with "so i made space for your things when you-" "Wait, my things?" you question. "Yeah i- oh, lucifer. I forgot to ask you". his entire face turns bright red as you laugh. "Would you like to move in, tesoro?" while youre moving after you agree, rat man tries to be macho like papa i would, but weak rat man has to tap out."I just ate a lot last night, you know. im not feeling well. and i pulled a muscle. i was working out really late the other night. yeah, i do that now." *flexes capellini sized biceps* you squeeze. he's barely even aldente.

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