Papas + Copia HC - Blind

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Request: Since there was a s/o going deaf. How about a s/o going blind? With papa's and copia please. I liked your responses to the other prompt.


Yes! I'm here for it.

Papa I: You would never have to worry about walking into things. the eldest Emeritus brother would simply push anyone and anything out of your way. not much changed when you started losing your sight, really. While he's soft with you, he will beat anyone who looks at you out of the corner of their eyes to a pulp. Anyone who makes a joke, or stares at you, better sleep with one eye open because Papa I will literally rip their heart out through stheir kneecaps. he knows a guy.

Papa II: Tries to help everyone understand the situation better. constantly asking if you need any help, if you're feeling alright, and what he can do to make your situation/transition a little easier. makes sure that the church, as well as his home, are both fully accessible for you in every way that he can. does his best not to baby you, but you still have to tell him to lay off sometimes. no one else knows exactly what you're going through or what you need, and sometimes people just need to wait until you ask for help before assuming you do.

Papa III: The Joker over here is truly quite sad about the whole situation. You'll never see his beautiful face again. never see the color of the roses he's brought home for you. You'll never be able to even see your own face again. "You're missing out, tesoro. the best part of my day is looking at you." When he isn't mortally distraught over your loss, he's finding new ways to do extravagant things for you that involve the other senses! thought touch is, his favorite sense, he brings home wonderful smelling flowers for you every day, and cooks you food that taste divine, and creates the most magnificent music for you. He's always finding new ways to show you he loves you, in ways that are tailored for your experience specifically.

Cardinal Copia: Really just goes off the deep end about the accessibility thing. every time you go somewhere crowded he screams "MY PARTNER IS BLIND PLEASE MAKE SOME ROOM" and does the most. you have to tell him to shut up. you also apologize to other people for him a lot. But he's been so helpful around the house and helping you navigate your life with these new changes. helps teach you braille, and makes both your houses, and the church more accessible. had a guy in to instruct the clergy on sensitivity training to help everyone better understand congregation members with assistive devices / those who require a little extra help. probably sends letters to city counsel/the government about making the city more accessible for the differently able. hates the term disability and never ever lets you bad mouth yourself for the things you cannot change.

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