Papas, Copia - Nipple Ring Reactions

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Q: I was wondering if you could do headcannons on how the Papas and Copia would react to finding out their s/o had nipple piercings?


Papa I: He's not surprised cause he can sense anything close to money within a fifty mile radius and your nipples smell like a bag of nickles baby. hes still shocked only that people would ever do something like that because A) ouchie B) some old man shit like "oh why would you deface your perfect breasts like that"

Papa II: He told you to do it. he paid for it and paid you for doing it. if you already had them before you met why do you think you guys even met. he also has the nipple ring senses but only for sexy reasons.

Papa III: HELL YEAH BABYYY he is so excited. never wants you to wear a bra or a thick shirt again so he can see them all the time and thinks its so hot when they stick out in public.

Copia: overwhelming urge to bite while sucking the tiddy. its harder for him to breastfeed with those piercings so he isn't a huge fan, kind of changes the flavor of the milk, but he's alright with it sometimes if hes missing a few vitamins and/or minerals. wants to get matching jewelry because he has his right nipple pierced (only one side. like a maniac)

As a treat: Copia has his right nipple pierced, Swiss has both, and Cirrus and Cumulus both only have one but on opposite sides so when they stand real close together it looks like they have a set.

- Rosie

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