Papas + Copia HC - Text

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Request: What if the papas&copias s/o had a friend (who they have no romantic or even any sexual interest in) texted them to ask if they would consider having sex with them and the s/o just being very uncomfortable with it

Papa I: old fashioned man thinks its disgusting and weird that someone would ever flat out ask to have sex with you. wheres the chivalry? where's the kindness? where's the wooing? where's the romance? is romance dead? no. romance is his job and whoever the hell it is that messaged you needs to leave you alone. he takes your phone and just sends back a picture of him looking very stern but its taken like how dads take their profile pictures like way too close up and at a weird angle. your friend doesn't reply after that. when you express to him that you're uncomfortable about the situation and feel that your friendship has been compromised by this, hes comforting.

Papa II: is personally disrespected. sure sure your honor and loyalty has been questioned by this person and all that "but to think, for even a second, that any s/o of mine would ever cheat on me? they must be insane. you're mine. you already have the perfect package. I make money and i love you and i remove the heads from your enemies at the snap of your fingers. what more could you want?" he says all this while reading a book in his recliner, in complete monotone. "tell him that i will cut off his head and place it upon the end of my spear as i parade through the streets in triumph of having slain another foe". you decide to just go with a "no." you decide not to bring up how youre feeling about the situation because you know that if you tell him you're hurting, he will hurt them.

Papa III: as protective as he can be, he's not opposed to a little sharing sometimes. especially when the fun can be enjoyed by all parties. he only thought you were bringing it up to him because it was something you were considering, so when he asks "do you want to?" you think he's questioning your loyalty. you tell him youre definitely not, how dare he think that you'd cheat on him, and he explains what he meant. you assure him that you didn't want to, but you're hurt because you thought the person was merely a friend, and that what happened made you feel icky, and he promises you that no friend worthy of having would make you feel this way, or proposition you like that when they know you're in a relationship.

Cardinal Copia: he also only thinks youre bringing it up to him because you're considering it, rather than expressing how ridiculous it is that your friend would say something like that. he either gets all glum and prepares for the inevitable depression that shall come when you leave him, or starts showering you with gifts and presents and flowers galore to try and win your favor all over again. when you ask why he's been acting strange, he explains that he's worried you'll leave him for this friend you mentioned. you have to tell him that you were never considering it, and in fact you were quite offended that they'd even asked because they know you're in a relationship and its inappropriate. he's extremely relieved.

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