Papas + Copia HC - Labor

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Request: Copia and the Papa's reactions when their s/o goes into labor with their child. Like they are in their room and bam, water breaks and everything. Would they stay with s/o and watch it be born?


Papa I: Calm cool and collected! This Papa knew you two were prepared, so what is there to worry about? Stays by your side the entire time, holding your hand, getting you anything you need, carrying your hospital bag. Hes the one calling your parents/loved ones to inform them that baby Emeritus is on it's way! He would probably let you squeeze his hand until you crushed it and not blink honestly and hes in the right place to need medical attention. If your birth is a long one, he'll let you rest and bring you whatever books or snacks you request from your Baby Bag. But if it's a fast one, he won't sit down for a single second. He can't miss all that action! Overjoyed beyond words and the second he gets to hold his little girl/boy his entire world stops. When he hands it back to you and the event of it all is over, he finally gets his hand checked out and takes a nap beside you in the bed or on the chair, but doesnt leave your side. being a dad is hard work already.

Papa II: This Papa is the most normal about everything. He read the books, he knows what he's doing. Grabs your bag, starts the car, tells you your parents/loved ones are on their way, and off you go! I really cant imagine any of the papas would do a bad job in the delivery room. He sits back and watches and learns as much as he can, and whenever you ask for something hes the first to jump up, but aside from that, he leaves it to you and the doctors. He doesnt know what it feels like, and he's never seen nor conducted a birth before, so he leaves it to the experts. It's a big deal, and he wants everything to go right. During your whole pregnancy, he would always show you videos of dads fainting and panicking in the delivery room, and called them pussys. "A strong man is there for his wife, and stays out of the doctors hair." He tells you, so that's exactly what he does. He's absolutely honored when the doctors ask him to cut the cord, but kind of horrified about how the baby looks when it comes out. His head is so... misshapen. He's so.... purple? Papa II had read all the books, and he'd seen all the pictures, but I suppose all of that doesn't really chalk up to practical experience. The doctors assure him there is nothing wrong, and that he will look normal and baby shaped in a few days. When he holds his new prodigy for the first time in his tender embrace, he doesn't want to let go. he considers not giving it back to any of you and just running away with it. And then it cries, so he hands it back.

Papa III: When your water breaks he giggles a little and suggest you peed yourself. But no worry! he offers to take you to the bath and get you new clothes. when you realize its not pee and youre going into labor, he times his watch and gives himself exactly three minutes to run around and scream at the top of his lungs: I call this a Panic Break. The second his watch stops he regains composure, adjusts his suit jacket, and whisks you away to the hospital so effortlessly you'd think he was a God. Papa III had been putting in extra hours at the gym so that no matter how big your belly got he would be able to carry you easily whenever he needed to. As soon as you get to the hospital and settled in your room, he's bossing around all the nurses and doctors telling them exactly what you need because he knows you the best, as if they havent done this a hundred times before. 10/10 like the birth from the addams family the way he remembers it, but everything is always a little more extravagant in his head...

Cardinal Copia: As usual for this cardinal, he loses his absolute god damn Mind. Papa III's three minute panic break has nothing on Copia's Six Hour Panic Combustion. Even though you were completely prepared with hospital bags, registries, and had set up a last minute sitter for your pets, going into labor a day before your due date has him nearly in tears. "No," he says. "You can't give birth now, darling? wHaT iF ItS nOT rEadY??" You calmly explain to him that you cant really control when it comes out, and that everything will be fine, and get to the hospital asap. In the delivery room Copia is pacing all over and running down the halls like a manic. Asks the nurse for ice chips for himself. The doctor considers kicking him out of the room but you assure him that your cardinal is, in fact, always like this, and that everything is fine. you can say a lot about him, but there's never a dull moment with this kid. When it comes time to cut the cord, he... politely declines. "wont it hurt the baby? will it hurt you? oh, im sorry, i can't do that..."

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