Papas + Copia HC - Lost in the Rain

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Request: papas+ copia and s/o going for a walk through the woods only to get lost and it starts to rain.


Papa I: Not really one for the outdoorsy activities anymore in his old age, you have to convince him to come with you on the walk through the local forest. when he finally caves and agrees, he insists on packing some snacks, and making sure you have all the appropriate attire - so when it starts to rain, youre thankful you let him force an umbrella into the bag. the rain doesnt ruin your walk whatsoever, and with an umbrella big enough to keep the two of you and your snacks dry, you enjoy the cool breeze and the scent of the rain and silence as you walk. Besides - the lilac trees smell much nicer when the air is cool and damp.

Papa II: agrees to go out with you instantly, as he loves the fresh air and its not often he has a walking partner. the middle emeritus brother loves taking time to feel one with nature and reconnect with the things that really matter: swatting away bigs and slipping in mud. when it starts to rain, his spirituality kind of fades into more of a fuck we should go home, but you manage to convince him that if you merely put on your hoods, it wont be so bad. you were so excited to come out with him and finally spend some quality time together, but after a while, you start to get cold, and decide its probably best you head back in the direction of home - dont worry, his favorite part of the day was just getting to spend some time with you, rain or shine.

Papa III: Much like his eldest brother, Papa III likes to come prepared. He was the one who had the idea to head out on a walk, and even packed a special lunch and bottle of wine, just in case you got hungry or thirsty. you finally take your place, sitting opposite each other on a fallen log over a small creek, letting your feet hang over the few inches of water below, when the sky opens up and it begins to pour. "good thing i brought the umbrella!" doesnt mean much when he pulls it out and finds it rusted shut and full of holes. "no matter" he is determined not to spoil even a second of your time together. "we'll just get wet'.

Cardinal Copia: not much for going outside, and when he does, he likes to stay close to the places he knows. hes a home body. so rather than a walk under the canopy of the trees, you allow him to guide you to a small clearing just before the forest entrance, full of hydrangeas and lilcas galore. you set up your little picnic, it begins to rain, just a few drops here and there. you decide to ignore it for the sake of not worrying him, but the misting continues until it's fully pouring. but, much like papa III, he's determined not to waste a second with his precious tesoro, so he pulls up the hood on your jacket and his, and you two decide to make the best of it.

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