Aether Request - Dancing

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Request: I can't get enough of your content! Love you guys! Could I request a fluffy fic of dancing with Aether (who's your s/o)?


mild cop out and a self promo all in one? could it possible be anymore Me? I took the bones of this scene from a chapter inand just made it so theyre together and changed what they were talking about. it's even more fluffy in the book, but the context didnt fit. which is now already HALF uploaded and needs more views. (by the way if youve read it, which you should have, send me reviews!) s/o and Aether are preparing to attend a ball and hes teaching them how to dance!

"Head higher, y/n." Aether commanded. "Elbows up." You stood in first position together, unmoving, for at least an hour. He said you couldn't even begin the dance until you had mastered the first position to his liking. Your body was aching, your feet were throbbing, and you felt like your neck was stretched so far from holding your head up like that all day, that it would just fall off.

"Aether, my feet are killing me. Can't I just practice in flats?"

"Do you plan on attending the ball in flats?" He quipped, his face only inches from yours. After spending so much time so close to each other, you had become well acquainted with the exact dips and curves and horns on his mask.

"Well obviously not." You sighed. He gave you a look and you groaned. "Fine. But can you just start teaching me the steps? If I have to stand in one place any longer I'm gonna start growing roots." Aether sighed deeply.

"Fine." With every step you took he was biting at you to keep form, and not roll your eyes, and not try and push him off because you were bored. I thought dancing was supposed to be easy. They make it look so easy in the movies. So why the fuck is it so hard? "Take a break." At Aether's words you instantly kicked your heels off and sat down on the floor at the edge of the room. You two were practicing in the ballroom of the church - he said it was the only place with enough space, where you wouldn't be disturbed, and that it's important you get accustomed to your surroundings. The room was absolutely nothing like the rest of the church - Everything from the floors to the walls to the crown molding was lavish creams and gold colors. The ceiling really did steal the show though - a painted mural of baby blue skies, with things that looked like a mixture between gargoyles and cherubs with blushing cheeks and bows and arrows in their hands. Pastel roses adorned every corner, black-feathered birds with long, sharp wings depicted flying all over the scene. It really was mesmerizing. You crossed your legs and took your foot into your hand, massaging it gently, so sore it almost hurt to touch.

"You know I like you a lot more when you're not teaching." You stuck your tongue out at Aether as he leaned against the wall beside you, also obviously tired, but still somehow composed. You were jealous - Aether always looked like he had it together.

"My apologies. I'm just feeling stressed about the event, is all."

"I think everyone is. Has He really never used this room before?" Aether crossed his arms and sighed.

"I still don't know why we have to go to this stupid ball." You switched feet, massaging the other one even harder. Aether simply looked at you.

"Because we were invited, and it's in our home, and it's going to be fun. I promise it won't be like dance practise. Come on." Aether gestured for you to stand, meaning the break was over, and the second you was back on your feet they ached just the same as they did before. You dreaded putting my shoes back on, that you had left knocked over in the middle of the gigantic room. You nearly laughed.

"But I know how to dance."

"This..." Aether started dancing around and shaking his butt like he was at a club instead of a lavish ballroom. "doesn't count as dancing." You laughed out loud.

"Fine. But then teach me the dance so we can be done. This is getting a little torturous."

"All is fair in love and war, I guess." You stood in front of Aether in the center of the room, his hand on your waist, your's on his shoulder, and your other hands clasped together out to the side. Head high, shoulders back, chin up. His hands were nearly large enough to wrap around your waist entirely. Slowly music started playing again from a small radio in the corner, and you began the first few steps, following his lead slowly. "Elbows up." He added, and you raised them. You simply watched each others eyes as you danced, knowing if you looked down to your feet for even a second you would be scolded for it. He sighed. "Step on my feet, it will be easier."

"Step on your feet? I'll crush your toes."

"You couldn't crush me if you tried. Step on my shoes. It will be easier for you to learn the steps, and easier for me to lead." You sighed, nervous, and Aether swiftly picked you up as if you were merely a pesky feather on his shoulder, and placed you back down so you were standing on his toes. Touching chest to chest, you mostly holding onto him for balance as he carried out the steps of the dance.

"Is it easier or do you just want a hug?" You teased, allowing him to basically carry you around the room. He smirked under his mask, exhaling quickly through his nose. You could feel his heartbeat through his chest, sure he could feel the same of yours. No matter how long you'd been together for, you still felt the same electric excitement every time he was near. Silently, and nervously, you went over the dance a few more times before he stopped, but didn't let you down. You were struck.

"y/n, you know care for you very much." Your heart beat faster in your chest. "I love you." Before you could even begin to reply, he pulled you into a kiss.

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