Papas + Copia HC - Pillow Princess

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Request from Anon: How about HCs for the papas / cardinal with a pillow princess partner ówò

Papa I: This would not work with him. He's too hold. would break a hip or choke on a caramel if he tried to top. (Is his heart even strong enough to fuck?)

Papa II: He would like it some of the time. He does like being dominant and taking control, but sometimes he does like to take a load off and let his S/O do some of the heavy lifting.

Papa III: Loves it. This Papa is all about being a top and just loves pleasuring his S/O, so he has no problem with this. So long as they committed to Being A Bottom (calling him daddy and things of that nature) he would be super into it.

Cardinal Copia: He would also like it, but let's be honest, he's such a bottom himself he has a hard time finding a way to get things started. But once things are going, he loves it and is so excited to show off his sexy little skills ;)

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