Various Members HC - Haunted House

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Request: Has anyone asked for the ghouls and papa ii and iii going through a really scary haunted house? If not... there's my ask XD

Aether and Rain: Aether the dad, so he would be the one making sure everyone else is okay. Even if parts of it really scare him, he doesn't show it. he's the person who's hand you reach for when you're terrified, and the person who will hold you while you walk through the entire thing so nothing can touch you. He's the best person to go with. Rain would be shitting bricks the whole time, screaming at the top of his lungs with every scare, but he would still be laughing and smiling about it when they left, and remember it fondly. Aether also just loves protecting the little ones, especially Rain, so he would be dad-ing him a lot and if anyone tried to jump out at him he would punch them in the face. And then feel suuuuper bad about it because its just an actor doing their job.

Swiss and Dew: Much like i mentioned for the hayride ask, nothing is scary enough for these two. They HAVE to leave wetting their pants or it wasnt good enough. They will literally travel across country to find a good haunted house - its kind of yearly tradition now. Dew and Swiss terrorize young children on this haunted road trip. They take off their masks, and show their true face, if they really wanna get the adults. "Silly people, how could they think all those stupid costumes and jump scares are frightening? we're what's really scary?" Swiss says. from then on Dew makes it his mission to turn the lights on and remove all the props from every haunted house he goes to, and just be himself. he says he can really get them. If it weren't for the band, Dew and Swiss would have opened their own haunted house halloween attraction YEARS ago, but theyre always on those pesky tours. The Papas says that Dew is a horror attraction all year round, and should be treated as such. Swiss, well, maybe he's a little haunted, but they leave that alone...

Mountain: Simple. Has a good time. Leaves decently scared - got exactly what he paid for - and ends the night with a candle apple, and handing out miniature chocolate bars to the children that knock on the door. but he has to go to his s/o's house because one year dew and swiss made it home from their roadtrip early and scared a kid so bad they had to move, and the new neighbors heard, and no one is allowed to knock on their door for any reason now. theyre something of a local legend, and mountain cant stand it. if he doesnt have a s/o at the time, he'll bring a load of candy to work and hand it out to the clergy members, and the other ghouls, and maybe even nihil and imperator if he's around.

Papa II: he doesn't much understand the allure of haunted houses. when III was merely a boy, he asked if his older brothers would take him to a haunted house. Papa II replied casually "whats wrong with the one we live in?". III stopped asking questions around that time. He thinks the idea of monsters and zombies and other things that don't exist aren't whats scary, but its the real things. he would walk through the whole thing sullenly, and every time he saw someone dressed up like a ghoul he would say "as if, they take MUCH better care of themselves" and if he saw someone dressed up like the devil hed casually mention that you are offending the old ones with your heinous costume and will burn for all eternity for your crimes against the dark lord. II is the king of ruining things for everyone that isn't a girl he's trying to fuck and i mean it. That actor in the devil costume goes to therapy now. he's seen things. bad things. he says. he has to take unemployment benefits cause he cant work. hes spiraling. he will die alone at a young age from liver failure.

Papa III:What's most scary to him about haunted houses is how ugly all the costumes are. I mean, it's like theyre not even trying! He offers to work for the haunted house, in exchange for nothing, to help make their costumes look more believe able. all the costumes end up being sexy versions of everything else and require hours of makeup. All the actors quit and III is ousted from the haunted house community. He decides to start a rival business, similar to a haunted house, but closer to a bar, where all the employees where sexy - and anatomically accurate - costumes, and serve expensive aged whiskeys instead of scare you. but they can scare you if you like, in one of the back rooms, with the doors closed. Papa III quits the clergy and being a papa to run his haunted brothel in piece. it becomes a pretty successful business and a popular place for the local goths, and the brothers and sisters of sin to come after a long day at the clergy. Papa III is waiting for Nihil to beg him to return because they cant run the church without him, but that call hasn't happened yet, so for now he'll stick to his bar business.

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