Papas + Copia HC - Sleep Talk

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Request from Anon: What if the papas & copia had a s/o that talked in their sleep? Nothing bad or plain simple things, maybe weird funny things. Like once when I was little my exact words were "yes, I'm a pretty princess...." something weird like that?

Papa I: Just thinks it's cute honestly. The first time he brings it up you get super embarrassed because you don't want to bother his rest, but he just smiles and tells you its alright

Papa II: I imagine this papa sleeps like a fucking rock so 10/10 would not bother or be noticed at all. You said the word "sex" one time while you were talking in your sleep and he woke up, realized you were still sleeping, and fell right back asleep. Even this mans subconscious is horny.

Papa III: Takes a video of you saying dumbass shit for his own personal "My Partner Doing Stupid Ass Shit I Think Is Cute" archives. Ends up laughing so hard he wakes you up and then he's too hyper to fall asleep again so you have to make him warm milk and tuck him back in all over again

Copia: He would wake you up to make sure everything is alright and that you're not having a nightmare. When you reassure him that you're fine and it's something youve been doing for most of your life, you both fall back asleep. Still every time you say something that isn't happy and giggling, he tries to walke you up and make sure youre still not having a nightmare. 10/10 confused.

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