Papas + Copia HC - Truth or Dare

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Request: s/o playing truth or dare with the papas and copia? if thats too much then maybe just 3 and copia?


Your request is my naughty game night hc pt. 2!

Papa I: his heart cant take such mischievous games with his younger brothers and the cardinal. he doesnt play often, but when he does, hes a terrible sport. refuses to do anything. refuses to answer any questions. "Youre my brother, you know all you need to about me. and cardinal, why do you need to know who my first kiss was? this is not important. we should be working. but, get a few drinks in this papa and hes slurring his words screaming GIVE ME A DAARE. his brothers have to carry him to bed shortly after copia dares him to cut the bristles off his tooth brush and eat them. 10/10 doesnt know whats going on. cant we just play a friendly game of scrabble?

Papa II: hes the true master at this game. gives out perfect dares, asks perfect personalized questions that will make you sweat. will do absolutely anything or answer absolutely anything. Papa II, Dew, and Swiss, would play a MEAN game together. Why have two separate family game nights anyways! No need! he demands. this is segregation! but hes old, and his physical vigor is not what it used to be, so he can only do so much before tapping out and calling it a night.

Papa III: will do anything, but likes to remain mysterious and elusive. once drank champagne out of a shoe. complained he was disgracing such a beautiful vintage wine, and such beautiful vintage leather. not great at handing out truth or dares. only asks people stuff like "do you like what im wearing?" or "Do you think _______ likes me?". his dares are 10/10 weak sauce.

Cardinal Copia:  Horrified. please dont ask him a question. or dare him to do anything. will laugh manically when someone else gets dared to do something unsightly or gets asked an unnerving question. can 10/10 dish it out, but cannot take it. most likely to cry. also most likely to flip a table and demanded game night be canceled forever. the last one awake because he kept drinking redbull to avoid answering the questions and now the energy drink and the regret are keeping him awake

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