Mountain Request - More Cuddling

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Request: Based on matchup

Your request is my mountain cuddle fic!!

"Come on, (_), let's take a nap." The earth ghoul ushered as you sighed deeply, your heart beating in your ears as the thoughts of ever single task on your to do list circled around in your brain like water that just wouldn't go down the drain. You had just got off your early morning shift at work, and you were too anxious to do anything but pace the halls of your apartment while your boyfriend watched nervously.

"I can't, Mountain. I'm too stressed." You held out your hand between your body and his, your fingers trembling and your wrist wobbling. "I'm shaking. I just need to get everything done-"

"That's exactly why we should take a nap. You did always say that there was no problem cuddling couldn't fix." Again, you sighed.

"Yes, I know, but I- maybe I should go to the gym and get some of this nervous energy out-"

"No ifs, ands, or buts. Come on, babe. You need to rest.." Mountain grasped your shaking hand and held it tightly, pulling you behind him like a chain behind a truck, into your bedroom. "You need this. And you've been too busy lately. Mountain needs some love too." He grinned proudly as your crawled into bed. He strutted to the window and closed the dark heavy curtains, cutting off the light of the noon-day sun all but for what leaked around the hems on either side. You could already feel yourself melting into the soft sheets as he wriggled into the mattress beside you. He wrapped his strong arms around you, enveloping you in his warmth and the scent of his spicy cologne. "Just relax, (_). Everything will be okay. I promise, okay? I promise. Things will turn out just right. But you need to let that happen, and you need to take care of yourself in the mean time." He whispered into your hair, and kissed the top of your head. He held you like he was trying to hold all of the pieces together. Slowly, you surrendered yourself to the soothing sound of his deep voice, allowing him to calm your nerves entirely. "Everything will be okay. Just rest here, and cuddle me. Close your eyes and picture all of your problems dissolving into the air. That's all you need to do, (_)." You nodded, and nuzzled into his chest. "Just rest here with me. You're safe. I have you. I love you."

"I love you too, Mountain." You cooed. "Thank you." You wondered how it was possible for someone to know exactly what to say to calm you when you needed it Mountain was the most attentive and understanding person you had ever met. When you needed space, he gave it to you, but when you needed a shoulder, he was there. He never made you feel guilty or weak for needing help, or estranged you from your emotions. He was your rock when you needed stabilizing.

"Of course, my love. Anything you need. You're the love of my life, I just want to see you happy and healthy." At his words, you couldn't stop yourself from grinning, the trembling of your fingers ceasing and the knot in your chest untying. He pulled you even closer. "That's my girl."

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