GHOST BC x Christmas

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Ask: Heyy here an idea for the cristmas spirit: Imagine that the Papas and ghouls are into it very much as well and the ghouls are like wearing instead of horns reindeer antlers and the papas are like #1 and #2 being in their normal robes but in red and white and w santa hats and #3 wears those tight ass shorts and theres written "Im your present" or "I were naughty this year" and he also wears red and white high knee socks


Papa Nihil: He wanted his kids to be like any other when they were small, so he let them indulge in a few christmas festivities - it was more of a winter solstace celebration than a santa claus treeinthehouse type deal at first, but his sons caught on quickly and for the last year papa I wasn't old enough to make fun of him, Nihil even dressed up in a santa suit with a fake beard and everything. He left the gift buying to Sister, and let everyone from the church decorate the huge evergreen tree in the garden with colored lights and glittering baubles. These days he just sits around and watches everyone partake in the christmas spirit

Papa I: Loved christmas when he was younger, because what child doesn't, but grew out of it quickly. He went through a long phase where he wouldn't even attend the event, telling everyone it was stupid and a church like theirs shouldn't be participating in such holidays. As he got older he softened a little when he realized it made everyone else happy, and that if he wanted to be liked he had to give in, so he dressed in red robes and had someone pick out presents for him to give

Papa II: You would think he hated christmas more than his brother, but it was a party, so of course he was down. For the month of December he's walking around with eggnog in his thermos, and getting wasted on mulled wine while he helps decorate the tree. He's only around for the ghouls baking cookies because most of the liquor in the building is kept in the kitchen, and he likes eating the raw dough. On the 24th he wears a dark green suit, and his finest Italian leather boots - he played santa for his younger brother when his older and their father wouldn't any longer. He hoped III was too young to remember. If anyone says anything about III's christmas spirit he just tells them he's pregaming for new years eve.

Papa III: Absolutely fucking loves christmas. All the red, the decorations, the gifts, the cookies, the big family dinners. He oversees every single christmas related practice in the church - making schedules on when to bake, when all gifts should be ready in the parlor, when dinner starts, and what everyone wears to the event. When he isn't in his robes, all month he's walking around in a red tank top and shorts that do say something stupid on the ass - "I've been naughty", "I'm your present", "Jingle these balls", "Unwrap me", and "Sleigh" are a few of his favorites. He drags everyone out to christmas markets in town for shopping and mulled wine and some fun in the snow. On the evening, he's in the kitchen overseeing dinner, making sure places are set just so, and serving themed drinks to everyone else relaxing in the parlor.

Copia: He's just as into Christmas as III, but he isn't quite ready to take over the hat and III isn't ready to give it up, so he's more of an assistant throughout the holidays. He's try to learn as much as possible so when he's finally allowed to take over he doesn't ruin it for everyone - apparently it doesn't matter who the current papa is, it matters who has the most spirit in their heart. Or whatever. He makes drinks, and cooks in the kitchen with III, and does most of the helping when it comes to the cookies. Though Aether is a good enough leader, they still can't be trusted alone in a kitchen anyone will ever have to use again. He gets his rats festive toys and decorates their cage in tinsel, and lets them indulge in any crumbs they can find.

The ghouls love christmas because it's tradition and that's always sacred to them, so they do everything they can to make the most of it. For the final week leading up, they trade their regular masks for similar ones with antler horns, and wear red and green versions of their regular suits. Swiss and Dew are outside setting fire to every tree around the decorated one - they say it makes the lights shine brighter. Aether is helping everyone get gifts for each other and making sure everyone gets their share of cookies, and Mountain and Rain are making snowmen all along the property from the second it sticks. The girls are head of tree decorating, and make sure they get every last decoration out of storage so it can look not just the same as last year, but better! Cirrus always buys more from the market anyways, and one of these years the branches are gonna be a little too heavy, Cumulus says. Every night leading up they all put on their themed PJ onsies and sit in front of the fireplace in the parlor and watch christmas movies. Dew hates the music but Aether makes everyone sing in chorus anyways

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