Papas + Copia HC - Twins

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Request: How would the Papa's and Cardinal Copia react to their s/o not only being pregnant, but having twins or even triplets.


Papa I: You didn't find this out until fairly late in the pregnancy, and he's completely calm and normal about it. one is good, so two is great! a lot of people go nuts when the find out that theyre having twins, but this just adds to the excitement for this man! besides, having two kids at onces saves costs later in life anyways, he says. he just cant wait to be a dad, no matter the gender or amount of children youre having.

Papa II: hands on daddy knows its gonna be a little harder to teach two kids soccer at once, but he's up for the challenge! he plans on teaching the kids as much stuff as possible, like sports, and creative stuff, and things about religion and the clergy, and he knows its going to be a little harder when you have two kids learning at different paces (like everyone does) but its going to give him that much more opportunity to adapt and learn how best to help his chlidren. hes so happy about this.

Papa III: outside, he's calm cool and collected, but inside, hes having one of this good old Panic Breaks! every vision he'd had of your life in the future, all of your plans, had just completely shifted. but after a moment, and the visions start to adjust with a second child, he starts to realize he likes those ones a little bit more. he'd been putting in extra hours at the gym so he could carry you no matter how big your belly got and no matter how heavy you were (and so he could make a good impression on the baby so they think their dad is strong) but he would have to be putting in a couple more extra hours. no matter. he knows things will work out just perfectly.

Cardinal Copia: feels the best when he's able to plan and organize things for a long time before they happen, so finding out about your triplets early in your pregnancy was the best for him, even though he's still going crazy. MUCH more planning to be done, so much added costs. when you go into labor like any other pregnant women does, he freaks out even more. they're done? you did three in the time it takes to make one? are you SURE theyre done???? when you reassure him that yes in fact they are done and you are a day past your due date, he proceeds to panic properly and rush you to the hospital.

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