Copia HC #- Rats

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Request: Copia trying to convince his s/o that rats are super cool. He succeeds eventually and the s/o comes home with 2 little rat babies.


ohhh this is so fun!!

Your request is my Rattie Baby HC!

Copia first gets into the relationship with his darling girlfriend before he finds out that you're afraid of rats!

at first he thinks that you're kidding. "No, you've seen my darling babies before... you've showed no signs of fear nor phobia?" when you finally assure him that you're serious, and that you've lived in the city your entire life, and every time one of them scurries across your toes you shriek a little.

It's nothing serious, but your aversion is growing stronger by the minute. "they're just dirty and their squeezes are so... annoying." Copia does his best not to be offended

when you finally agree to let him show you how wonderful they are when you get back to his apartment for dinner later than night. you sit nervously on the couch while he runs into his bedroom at full speed to grab his most prized rattie from his bedroom. when he returns he's grinning from ear to ear, holding the fat little grey rat in his cupped hands.

after a few moments, and a little pushing, you finally hold the little guy in your hands you're smitten. his eyes are so little and cute and every time he sniffs around, the way his whiskers wriggle around steals your heart.

its takes a little while for you to get used to having them around, but you know your man loves his babies, and you really want this to work, so you learn to love them!

after a few months, you cant keep their sweet little furry bodies out of your hands! every little one you see on the street you run to pick up (even though copia wont let you, because the ones on the street "arent so wonderfully clean and wonderful as the ones back at home")

when you come home with a few, as a little surprise to add to the pet world of his home, he's worried. "Tesoro, where did you get these... tell me you didn't get them from the.... street."

"Actually, the pet store, Copia."

He sighs in relief, and demands to hold them! even takes off his gloves! he couldn't be more excited to introduce them to his other ratties

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