GHOST BC x Very Real Fears

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These are their serious long term soul deep fears.

Papa I: Being forgotten. This old man has always lived in the shadow of his narcissistic father from the moment he was born, and he's been afraid his whole life that before he can really make a legacy for himself, his brothers will have overtaken him. He's worried that he missed his chance at being the best Papa he could be, and now he's only the first in a growing list of rulers, all better than him in some regard. It weighs on his mind pretty heavily, but he'd never dare tell anyone lest they think that makes him weaker or a lesser Papa for it. He's worried that in a few Papas, maybe sooner than we think, he'll be forgotten about. That he will be erased all together.

Papa II: Always being in his older brothers shadow. He's picked up on how Papa I feels about himself and his ruling, but disagrees entirely. This man is horrified of never being able to live up to the standard his older brother has set for what it truly means to be a Papa. To rule with an iron fist, be diplomatic, and always make the right decision for the good of the church and it's people. He doesn't think about this often, but when he gets from from a long day at the church, and turns off all the lights except for a lamp by his favorite chair, he sits and wonders. The weight of his insignificance bears greatly on him, too much even to distract himself, until he falls asleep. He doesn't let this happen often.

Papa III: His greatest fear is similar to that of his older brother: never being good enough. He knows he's not like his siblings in the way that he has no real desire to be a feared leader. He knows that's not who he is and never will be, but he's always worried that rather embrace his differences, his family and the church would outcast him. He's the youngest, and rather be babied as they usually are, he's been almost entirely forgotten. He spends so much time worrying that he's fucking up his Papacy that sometimes he forgoes it altogether and leaves for the day. The stress wears on him, but people will assume or he'll tell them it's just that he didn't want to or didn't care. The trouble is that he cares too much.

Copia: Our Cardinal's biggest fear is failiure. He works so hard to prove himself every day. He also resents Papa III not only for being a Papa at all, but for being given his title by birth right, and making a mockery of all he was supposed to stand for. He knows Sister put his faith in him to become the next Papa, and stuck her neck out to Nihil on his behalf, so failure also means letting both of them down, which just isn't an option to him. Copia has no plan b, no other options except for success and a new title.

Aether: The leader ghoul's biggest fear is not being needed. He lives to take care of the ghouls, and make the plans, and keep things together. He doesn't know his place without taking care of his friends and making sure it runs smoothly, and if they all just up and decided they can take care of themselves one day I think he'd be distraught. Chasing after Dew, taking care of Rain, dragging Mountain along, summoning the Ghoulettes, and reigning in Swiss is what he does, and no one could do it better. He's also worried that if something were to happen to him, there would be no one to do his job, and that part scares him a little too much to think about.

Dew: The Stomp Goblins biggest fear is being ordinary. He knows he'd never be satisfied with anything less than a life filled with chaotic adventure, and he doesn't want to be 200 years olds, bored, sitting in a rocking chair, thinking of all the fun he missed out on. But more than that, he's terrified that the feral energy he emits is the only thing interesting enough about him to keep his friends around. He causes problems on purpose because he's worried that when the dust settles his friends won't love him for who he was underneath.

Swiss: He's always so confident, and usually gets what he wants. He just knows how, and it comes pretty easy. His greatest fear is rejection. He's always been pretty quick to assimilate to a new group, quick to make new friends, and been the first person to break the ice and get the ball rolling in a group of total strangers. He's terrified that one day everything he normally does won't work and rather than watch the outcasts, he'll become one. Sitting on the outside looking in feels like a distant and cold way to live for him, when the in is so warm and loud and fun. Like hearing a party your neighbor is having while you're making dinner for one and listening with half an ear to the radio. It's just not nearly as good. He's also all too used to walking up to anyone he finds attractive in a bar and making quick work of getting their number or even getting them home, so for him to walk into a room and expend every tactic and strategy he has for getting laid or at least being noticed and come up short, is almost unfathomable.

Rain: It's no secret that Rain's chemistry in the group wasn't immediate. He's a big on the shy side and it took him a while to warm up to everyone. While he's definitely come out of his shell since his first ritual, the residual feelings of awkwardness are the root of his fear. He's terrified that he may never truly fit in with the rest of the ghouls. From his perspective the connection the others have is deep and effortless. No matter how often the others reassure him that they love him, the thought that he may never really be one of them still keeps him up at night.

Mountain: Earth ghouls are admired for their quiet strength and stability, but many forget that for an earth ghoul to thrive they must also be given the freedom to change. Mountains biggest fear is confinement, both physical and emotional. He hates to feel restrained by anything, and is a firm believer that even moving backwards is better than not moving at all. For mountain stagnation is a fate worse than death.

Cirrus and Cumulus: The ghoulettes are both afraid of not being taken seriously. They're off on their own section of the stage during rituals, they're so often left out of group art or stories, and as the only women of the group it was difficult for them to find their space amongst the boys. They worked so hard to earn their place in the group, but they can't shake the sensation that they'll always have to be twice as good as everyone else for half the respect. At least they can always count on each other for support and understand when the fear feels like too much.

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