Papas + Copia HC - Vacations

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Request: Headcanons on the Papas ideal vacations? Gotta have a little free time here and there!


Papa I: More of a stay-cation type of guy. If he really wants to get out for a while, he'll probably go to a cottage in the countryside (a family estate, of course, but he's the only one who spends any time there. i will talk more about this at a later date. which means baby emeritus brother time). It's a good place for him to do whatever he pleases without responsibility or worry. He can drink his morning coffee, and sit outside, and sleep as much as he wants. Admire the nature, and the weather. Perhaps he'll even see a deer. If he spends enough time there, he'll start having small conversations with the sparrows that have made a nest in the wooden beams of the front porch. "Good morning, passera. Lovely weather, no? How are your little egg babies doing? Alright I hope."

Papa II: He'll likely travel to another country in Europe. He loves all the old historic sights, and ancient buildings and cathedrals. Can't get enough of it really. There's more than enough in Italy, but he's seen them all so many times. He doesn't go on vacation much, so to make the most of it he'd visit a few countries. He always starts in eastern Europe, making a path back to Italy through different countries each time. He says once he's seen all of Europe he's going to do the same with all of Asia, and then Africa, and then South America. He's a stubborn man about his routine at home, and the only time he lets go of that is when he's in a new country, experiencing a different culture

Papa III: Somewhere warm, anywhere. Bali is a common destination for him: It's hot, a great night life, and the scenery is unmatched. He'd try new things, of course, but spends most of his time getting drunk and partying with other tourists, and trying to pick up girls. More experimental, when on vacation, and he prefers to go alone if he's single so no one is around to fact check the stories he tells when he comes home (he always leaves just enough out to keep the mystery alive behind what he does when he's not an acting head of the church)

Papa IV: A lot like Papa I in the vacation aspect. He's much more open to trying new things, but he thinks that new things can sometimes be exhausting to try when he's already exhausted. He'll probably travel to a different city from where he resides, and just hang out there for a while. Still like home, but not. He'll sit on the patio of little cafes, and drink his fancy coffee, people watching, reading the news paper. He may even indulge in a nice baked good. Treat himself.

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