Ghost - My Versions

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so i said before that there's two different versions of most of the ghost characters in my head at all times but both versions exist in totally different universes they never mix. This is because i wrote my book, free promo, go read Persephone Minor before the sequal comes out on the 31st,  using most of them but it was before i knew what i know now, so they're a little different but in a good way. V2 or V3 is how they are in said book. this is gonna be long so strap in. also i dont listen to canon because i hate it and its wrong. i hope youd all have guessed that much.

Nihil: V1 he's just a wack old man whos probably high on painkillers and baby asprin all day. lazy silly grandpa who would rally his grandkids against their parents in a small child army, just for the heck of it. was still a shit dad, but makes up for it by chilling out and being a good grandpa. Was only harsh when he was younger because he wanted his sons to turn out better than he did and he loved them. V2, he's the worst man you could imagine. He only ever had kids because he'd rather die slowly and painfully than have his bloodline leave the church. he never respected or honestly, cared, about any of his kids. pushed them until they hated him and rebelled, or succeeded out of spite. i don't think hes ever hugged them or that it ever once occurred to him (that is, when he was around and the nanny was on a break)

Papa I: V1, hes the sweet old man who just wants to knit and read his books and bird watch and send postcards to his grandkids from his small cottage in the middle of the woods. V2, he's a brutal but quiet man. He has nothing nice to say and so he usually doesn't say anything. he never paid attention to his younger brothers and wanted the papacy from the beginning, and didn't care about anything else.

Papa II: V1, he's a party boy and will drink smoke fuck or snort anything you put in front of him. he's the life of the party and keeps people around the time for no reason except what else is he supposed to do? Be alone. Sounds less fun than a weekend trip to Vegas. not one really for responsibilities. V2, he cares way more about being papa, and doing the best job possible. rules the church with an iron fist. still loves to have a good time, but in a much more reserved and refined. drinks fine scotch in private rooms at the club. has never will never and never wants to fall in love. V3 of him doesn't really exist that far from V2 but i loosely based Lucifer on him which i think is very fun and sexy. marry me, mister.

Papa III: V1, the classic chaotic iced coffee drinking roller skating vodka chugging boy we all know and love. the sarcastic wild child that none of his brothers have ever been able to control. never really cared for the papacy, but he came to terms with the fact that he had no choice a very long time ago, so he just tries to make it fun and still doesn't listen to any of the rules. V2, we have our beloved extravagant forlorn papa. he writes poetry and lets his heart lead him to anyone he can fall in love with next. he's a good papa, out of spite, but also because he has the most to prove. he never listened and no one really ever believed into him, so he was determined to be the best papa the world had ever seen - and do it with style. anyone whos ever seen him look less than perfect has disappeared under mysterious circumstances. V3, is the same as V2 but has a little bit more chill (only cause he's literally a billion)

Cardinal Copia: V1 copia he's just a silly awkward rat boy who somehow stumbled his way into the church one day and they took him in like a stray. Now he's a papa and has no clue how that happened, but he's just happy to be included. arguably loveable weirdo, who cares about his ghouls more than anything, and just wants to be accepted by the previous papas - he knows its unlikely, but he still tries. V2, who im much more fond of, has been evil from the start. He knew what he was doing from the first time he joined the church, and anything that threatened his ascent to the throne would be removed swiftly and without remore. He knows everyone loves an underdog, and that pretending to be a silly innocent little guy would get him far - but only so far. V3, he's just a quite old man who's happy just to be the wise advisory to whoever is really in charge. I like this one and evil copia equally.

Aether: V1, fun older brother to the ghouls. packs them snacks when they go on field trips and teaches them important life lessons. he loves his friends so much that he wont even let anything close to bad happen to them, because he'll always be around. thats pretty much how i write him all the time. V2, not very explored, is Evil Aether. he's copias right hand man the same as always, but they're really just plotting ways to overthrow everything and take over. In secret, Aether is just waiting for his turn to overthrow the cardinal and become a Papa in his own right. He's sick of taking care of the ghouls like they're children and only does it to keep up the look that he's nice and normal. V3 is kind of like V1, but he's not afraid to tell it like it is and won't spare your feelings over the truth if he thinks its what you need to hear. he's my fav

Swiss: V1, chaotic slut man who loves to cause problems but mostly just in other peoples relationships. kinda vain. him and dew are the terror twins of the church and honestly probably whatever country they're in at any given moment. Aether knows better than to try and keep him contained, so he's pretty much free to do as he pleases. V2 is fairly similar, but a little more vein and a little more refined. Still besties with Dew but doesn't have the time to keep up with him 24/7. Also fucks things up but in a more malicious way bc he just wants to watch the world burn I guess. V3 is the most different (just between you and me, i forgot about him when i started the book and added him in later cause i fell in love). He's kind of a douche, and doesn't have an element assigned, so he's the nerd ghoul. he's insanely smart and hates almost everyone so he just fucks off to tinker with his shit and read books - I think because he has a superiority complex, but thats not my business. I love every swiss and would also marry him. just me swiss and papa ii in a weird love triangle / throuple.

Mountain: Both versions are super similar. V1, he's just super chill and smokes a shit load of weed and wants to lay in a field w no shoes and do his thing. loveable oaf that gives good hugs but only when you ask. V2, has no chill and is the most antisocial person that has ever existed, so he still smokes a lot of weed but now it's just so he has an excuse not to talk to anyone more than he has to. Much prefers to be left alone to do whatever, and pretty much never goes out with the other ghouls unless it's somewhere they'll be distracted.

Rain: I'm going to be frank with you. Short and sweet. V1 sweet little rubber ducky baby who likes bubble baths and holding hands and never really goes out, but thinks the rest of the guys are entertaining. The ghoulettes are his moms. V2 gay little slut. that's all.

There's no different versions of Dew because all i can think of all the time is him eating a truck load of irish spring so he can shit bubbles and chugging fireball at the bar with Swiss while they try and score (the pauly d and vinny of the church, for all my Jersey Shore fans in the audience)

This one is my bad, but i don't write the ghoulettes as often as i should have so i don't really have anything to say about them either? They're in lesbians with each other and live in a little cottage with a lot of cats. they're the exact same in my book. i still love them and will give them more attention in the future.

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