Brother Jealousy

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Ask: What would the three papa brothers be jealous of each other??? Like I of II and III and II about the other two ones and so on


Papa I: Though jealousy isn't his thing, he doesn't have the energy these days, nothing can stop competition between brothers. He's jealous of Papa II for being able to rule with an iron fist and be respected at the same time. He may have been a hard ass, but that didn't stop people from liking him - no, looking up to him. Papa I was quickly resented by the rest of the church, and they didn't protest, but there was a certain frigidity he couldn't shake. He's jealous of the youngest Emeritus because he knew how to let go and be himself. Until his old age he was strict even with himself, never for a second letting down the walls. Papa III is so carefree and unbothered, yet still manages to do his job perfectly fine, and he wishes he could have found a balance like that long ago.

Papa II: He's jealous of his older brother for the same reasons. Papa II was never going for the people's champion, or crowd favorite. He wanted to do his job and be the best he could at it, and in some ways being liked like he was, made him feel like he could have done more. Pushed the church even further. He doesn't need to be jealous of Papa III, because even he knows when to let go and have a good time, but he does resent his youngest brother. It seemed like he had his work cut out so clear for him in the church and Papa II finds it unforgiveable that he had to work so much harder while his younger brother for the most part sat back and enjoyed the ride.

Papa III: He is almost never jealous of anything but a partner, and relishes in what other people think of him, but it's hard not to compare yourself to your predecessors. He was young when Papa I was the head of the church, but saw how strict he was and thought one day he too would grow up to be so stern and sure of himself. He did not. Even when he didn't know what to do, he would never show it, but he was sure that it never crossed his eldest brothers mind that he wasn't doing the right thing for the church and the people a part of it. Papa III is jealous of II for the same reasons as I - being able to rule with such certainty and precision, but still being loved and respected. It made him think he could have done so much more than he did during his rein, taken his job much more seriously than he did, and still have been loved all the same. He understands they all brought different things to the table, and that's why each of them mattered so much, but in those few moments where he does still doubt himself, he wishes he could have been more like his brothers like they wished they could have been more like him.

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