Papas + Copia HC - Depression

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Request: TW: How would the papas&copia react to their s/o's friend causing their s/o's depression? Like the s/o is usually a very happy person by nature, but whenever the friend talks to them about certain things it just drives the s/o to sadness and tears cause they feel like they're not doing enough for them and that they just feel hopeless about everything


Papa I: Consolation, mostly, but he would also suggest talking to these friends of yours and getting to the root of the problem. Papa I says there's no better policy than being open and honest about your feelings, especially when it comes to something like this, and that if they don't understand and aren't willing to make positive changes or help fix things, that they aren't worth keeping in your life. if that doesnt work and you cut them off, he would try and help you find new, better friends that put happiness and positive relationships with others first. And then he might kill your old friends. Maybe. When you weren't looking though. No one would have to know.

Papa II: His advice for most situations is the same and applies to this one: kill them. he would do it for you, if you wanted. but if you don't want them actually dead, he would convince you to kill any ties you have with them. there's no reason to keep anyone in your life that isn't bringing you up and making you feel like a better happier person, especially when they're actively bringing you down. You deserve friends that are better than that and treat you as such. He would simply suggest that you don't need friends, because why leave the house when you have all you need right at home, but that sounds a little abuser-y, bordering on manipulation, so he keeps that one to himself. Even if he doesn't understand, he knows other people need friends and regular human interaction.

Papa III: Immediately suggests finding new friends. he'll introduce you to everyone he knows, take you to parties, and clubs. You don't have to initiate confrontation or tell them how you feel if you surround yourself with so many new wonderful people that you forget they exist. III is an expert at friends - he only keeps people around that he knows care about him and his well being, that he gets along with, and knows he can trust. And they have plenty of friends to go around! soon enough you'll be around people who make you happy, and check in, and know things to do/things to avoid to make sure they dont hurt you because they genuinely care.

Cardinal Copia: He understands what it's like to have draining friends - people that just make you so exhausted to be around - but not quite to have friends that make you specifically sad and hopeless, so he can't relate fully, but he understands. His only advice is to either begin to limit contact, or try talking to them and see if things cant turn around. But he knows that doesn't always work, and cutting someone out of your life is always eaiser said than done, so he might start with helping you find ways to manage and cope with the way you feel before taking direct action and possibly making the situation worse for yourself, or making you feel worse. All he wants is for you to be happy, so whatever you feel comfortable with is what hell help you achieve.

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