Various Members HC - Throwback Style

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Request: What about papa 2,3, Copia,&swiss with fem s/o that's very into the 20s,30s,40s style of music and is just in love with swing and electric swing too. They like the style of clothing and hair, wear dresses often and probably know or want to learn swing dancing too.


Papa II: my dearest old man who is ancient and was born in the 40s, an actual boomer, thinks it is magnificent that youre interested in that time period. he's a good source of information on the subject because although he was born a little late for what youre looking for, he was very interested in it himself. he thinks the style of clothing is elegant and timeless, and wishes more people dressed like you. And even though he is far too old to even attempt all that swing dancing shit, he will do his best with what he can do - which surprises you, because any other time youve asked him to dance any other way he said no. but this, this caught his attention, and he can see it matters to you, so he'll show you what moves he does have/.

Papa III: he honestly thinks its cool. he loves when his s/o are strong in their personal styles, influences, and music taste, no matter what it is or how popular it is today. Also probably your best bet for a dance partner if you wanted to take lessons or just learn from youtube, because surprisingly he's an incredibly talented dancer, and loves to do with with his s/o whenever he can. he thinks all parties these days should just be balls with fancy dress and lots of choreographed dances instead of grinding in clubs. but dont get me wrong, he likes that too.

Cardinal Copia: While his predecessor is the best dancer of the group, the Cardinal is the most interested of all of them. Those are actually some of his favorite decades, and your style of dress is actually what first caught his eye. he thinks is all magnificent, and tries really hard to dance with you, even if hes not very good. youre the only person hes not afraid to make a fool of himself in front of. He enjoys the same music as you, so youre never bickering about who gets the aux cord and what to play, and he'll even go shopping with you to get some cool new vintage pieces for your look. if it werent for keeping up appearances with the church, he would probably dress a little more like you.

Swiss: He doesnt understand it but thinks its cool and is glad your passionate about something interesting, even if its not for him. he'll take you to all the shows you wanna go to, and learn to dance with you, and maybe even let you dress him up here and there, just for inside on a quiet night. if anyone tries to say something nasty about the way you dress / what youre into he will kill them with his bare hands the second you turn around. he wont tolerate it. he thinks if everyone embraced their real passions and interests the way you do the world would be a better place.

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