Swiss and Cirrus

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Swiss and Cirrus are so crystal clear in my mind i can't believe I didn't see it sooner. They're that couple. She's bi and probably dyes her hair a lot and gets a piercing every time she's upset. Cirrus keeps saying she's never gonna date another man because they're all evil assholes, just women from now on, and yet, enter Swiss. He's a god awful slut, the kind of guy who doesn't care if a girl is embarrassed when his friends make weird comments or walk in when they're mid smush. real "you can't change me" type who has never chased a girl in his life. Out of nowhere and against everyone's will, they're somehow magically together now, and every man and woman within a hundred miles messages Cirrus to warn her about Swiss is gonna cheat on her and play mind games even though he promised he's a changed man.

Spoiler alert: he's never been more in love in his entire life and would murder anything that crossed her. Simp Swiss. He buys her flowers and pays for every meal and rips Dew off the couch so fast he doesn't even know why there's a dent in the wall across the room in the shape of his own body just so she has a more comfortable place to sit. He stops going out with his terrible bad influence friends and blocks every girl from ever contacting him again - Cirrus never has a reason to worry because he doesn't give her any. None of the ghouls approve but mostly because they're so in love it is annoying, and they still think they're gonna break each others hearts. Every time Swiss talks about it every second of the day Dew is irritated to the point of tears. Cirrus gets Swiss anniversary cards for every week they've been together. Everywhere they go they're together like they're physically attached, and when it's ghoul movie night she brushes his hair with her fingers or sits at his feet so he can practice his braiding skills. He makes her tea every morning just how she likes it and brings it to her bed with a smile. Aether and Copia wasted no time soundproofing both of their bedrooms, just in case. Cumulus and Rain are just happy to have a little ghoul love story, even though they wish they shut up about it sometimes.

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