Morning Routines.

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Papa I: He doesn't have one. Someone from the church comes in and makes sure he can fog a mirror. If he passes the test they leave him alone until he just shows up somehow.

Papa II: Coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee. And not that garbage shit either, one may describe him as a connoisseur. He uses a french press and takes his time to make the right cup every morning, and if it's bad he starts again. when he's feeling fancy he'll bust out the fancy machine and make himself a little cappuccino or something. Unless he's out somewhere acting an absolute fool, mornings are his calm time before anyone is allowed to look at him.

Papa III: Wakes up horny as all fuck (bonk he goes to horny prison) but is absolutely not a morning person so he puts off dealing with it until it doesn't need to be deal with anymore. Less a fancy coffee man, more a day old room temperature iced latte he found on the floor beside his bed. If there's nothing there he orders coffee and a fancy scone or bagel or something before he's fully opened his eyes.

Dew: Has fomo so even if he's the first one awake he'll make as much noise as possible in his room and in the living quarters to alert everyone that he's awake in case anything happens. It's annoying as hell. He also drinks a hell of a lot of water or juice when he wakes up idk he's just one of those people that wakes up so thirsty. uses the cheese grater to grind irish spring onto his toast for breakfast or makes cereal with a redbull when no one is looking.

Aether: the most regular. Makes a nice breakfast for himself and enough for whoever is awake in time to grab the extra servings. It's usually Swiss and Mountain. tidy's up if need be and gets right to work with a cup of tea or something. All the ghouls are fairly good about staying out of each others hair in the morning until an obligation arises.

Swiss: Wanks. falls asleep again. wanks again. falls asleep again. eats whatever aether made and then goes back to sleep. Nocturnal boy.

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