Various Members HC - Author

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Request: could we get some hcs of the papas, dewdrop, and aether (and rat man if yall want🐀) with an s/o who is a horror author? idk if this has been done before, sorry if it has!


Papa I: thinks it's absolutely wonderful that you have a passion, and thinks writing is something that takes extreme talent and intellect. he loves to read what you're writing at the moment whenever he has the time, but if he doesnt have enough spare time to actually read it, he loves to hear you talk about your characters and plots and new ideas over meals, or while you're spending time together. he's really good to bounce ideas off of, and helps a lot with your character development and plots. definitely brags to everyone how talented and amazing you are.

Papa II: if anyone knows horror, it's this man. of course any partner of yours is going to support you and care about what you're interested in and passionate about, but II loves that if youre passionate about anything that its instilling fear in the hearts of your audience. Hes super helpful with helping you come up with plots, and new ways to terrify, and since he's pretty much your own personal grimoire with a wealth of knowledge of supernatural creatures, demons, and things of that nature, you can trust the information is usually correct. he can get a little overboard though because he can be a control freak, and will probably get upset if you dont use a single on of his ideas after hours of talking about it. but he usually vibe checks himself and remembers that its your own project and not his, and encourages you to do what you like with it.

Papa III: This man loves the arts, so he will love absolutely anything you produce. but he's also blinded by love, so you could write the worst book in history and he would have absolutely no idea. he loves you, and loves everything you create, and believes there is no way that his wondrously talented and beautiful lover could ever create something less than perfect. 10/10 support, 0/10 critic, 100% blinded by love.

Dewdrop: always wants to read whatever you're doing. he loves that youre passionate about something sure but he's a fucking adrenaline junky so anything that gives him a rush or scares him, he loves. he'll also be your best and worst critic. if something doesn't scare him, or makes him feel a certain way, he'll be the first to tell you its either incredible or if he doesnt like it. he usually does like it, but when you need an honest opinion on something new youre testing out, you know he'll give it to you.

Aether: Most chill about it. He has his music thing, you have youre writing thing, art power couple. he likes to read your writing in the same way that you like to listen to him play guitar and the songs he writes. But if he's being honest, some of the things he's read of yours scared the absolute fuck out of him and he's genuinely confused as to how something so terrifying and bone-chilling could come out of someone so soft and sweet - he's sure he will never understand. the only time he wont ready what you're writing is if its about serial killers because he knows himself too well to scare himself sleepless for a week. he really hopes you take that as a compliment and not an insult.

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