Papas + Copia - Kinks

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Ask: so i saw you had the ghouls kinks what about the papas + copia's kinks



Papa I: everyone got insanely mad over me saying the oldest emeritus brother is, in fact, too old to do sex. (seven people explicitly told me leave peepaw alone, but im standing my ground). now BACK IN THE DAY this man was down for whatever. There was nothing you could bring to him, no matter how taboo, that he would turn away. BDSM, bondage, butt stuff, some things involving various liquids, he would do it all. But because Nihil had such a tight leash on him, ;), he never actually got to experience most of these things. All of his adult life was spend as Papa and before that, preparation to one day become Papa. A lot of his youth was lost to growing pains, leaving so many pent up feelings. Given, maybe on a particularly good day, if you caught him at the right time, you could give him a hand with that, hm? Maybe you could help him live out every little fantasy he's been sitting with all these years. Make him feel young again. He dares you.

Papa II: There's nothing he hasn't done. While he, in some aspects of life, prefers he to err on the side of caution and maintain the status quo, in others, he says try anything once. Once just to see if you like it, twice to make sure, and a third time to reealllyyy know for sure. In all that experimenting over the years, he's still a classic. BDSM-ish things, and total domination will always be his favorite. He wants total control over his partner. He wants them to totally and completely give themselves over to him, and in return, he will make them feel things they've never even heard of before. He'll string you up on a St. Andrew's cross and just... watch you. Wouldn't it be so easy to give him the lead? When he's sitting back in his favorite leather chair, dim light from lamps casting warm shadows over his stern smirk, sipping something not quite as sweet as you but twice as strong, with the sleeves of his pressed white shirt rolled up to the elbow? Wouldn't it be so easy to just... let him take over? (next thing you know he's locked you in a box, thrown away the key, and sat on top to finish his drink. Can't you quite down? He's watching something.)

Papa III: Hear me out. His kink is complete intimacy. Only when you love and trust someone with your entire heart can you truly open up, and when you open up, what comes out of you and flows between you can be magical. In that perfect realm of acceptance and trust, you'll find where you can explore your inner most desires, no matter how shameful they may be. When Papa III can really let go, that's where you'll find the biggest and best in him. While he does like dominating, he also loves when his partner takes control. He loves when both of you are fighting for top just to try and pleasure each other more, such feverish lust coursing through your bodies you're almost vibrating at the slightest touch. He wants both of you to go to the extremes, see what a body can really do, put everything to the test in the name of a good sensation. That overwhelming thought of oh god, this feels amazing, I thought no mortal pleasures like this could exist short of Heaven, but here I am in my bed with you, and this must be where Heaven is. That's what gets him off. Also, choke him.

Copia: Top him. Just do it. He wants someone who is gonna sit on his face until they are done, and keep him going until they have had enough. He wants someone to make him forget about everything else and just take control. He's... open minded, but more than anything wants someone he can touch. Someone who he can grab, someone physical, something he can hold onto while he's whimpering into your shoulder, shuddering and shaking, wondering how much longer he can keep this up before he just dissolves. He wants you to keep him going until he's busting dust and left a mess on the bed. Or the couch. Or the desk. Or... wherever. He likes when his partners make him do embarrassing tasks, either alone in the bedroom or a few lighter things in public.

i cant wait to read the comments on this one.

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