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Papa I: A fucking ancient cat. Someone told me it's as old as he is. No one is sure how it's still alive or how he takes care of it when he's basically in hospice himself at this point, but that thing wont fucking die. it also refuses to be picked up or touched by anyone aside from papa I, or it'll scratch you with the nails he refuses to cut because the cat doesn't like it and "whats the sense, he's old and grumpy".

Papa II: he has two Dobermans i think. The best kind of dog, vicious looking and definitely guard dogs but if you pat them on the head or throw them a treat they're your best friend. But you should still be on edge if you're sleeping in a vulnerable place when theyre around. I've heard some rumors going around. He's really strict about training them and has had them since they were puppies, you will literally never meet a better behaved dog in your life.

Papa III: I think he likes big dogs but like the big stupid ones, not any kind of hunting dog, or some really exotic pet. he's just happy to rub the hell out of a dog and he likes that when the dog sleeps on the bed he doesn't have to be worried about smushing him because the dog takes up more space than he does. DEFINITELY treats his dogs like babies and takes better care of them than he does himself.

Copia: Rats duh but i think he's got a million of them and has one of these cages

Rain: he's got a cute fish tank in his room and the sound of the pump puts him to sleep. either has goldfish or one of these guys. Also i think he begged whoever to get a little coi pond in the church garden and those are his responsibility to take care of too.

Dew: isn't allowed to be near animals. he'd probably have a ferret if he could.

Aether: He seems like the kind of guy to have either a super calm fluffy cat that likes to sleep on his chest, or a playful little doggy like a corgi or one of those curly white dogs that gets the brown stains around it's eyes. the family dog type thing. He wants to get a pet later but isn't worried about it now.

Mountain: Not interested in keeping pets, but when he's out in nature just vibing like a mf he likes to watch any wildlife he can see, like deer or chipmunks or things like that.

The ghoulettes: either a million cats or a million birds I cant decide but im not wrong about either i promise.

Swiss: He likes animals, cause everyone likes animals, but doesn't really have any desire to own a pet. Doesn't want to have to take care of it, and knows it wouldn't be fair to the animal when he goes away here and there. 

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