Papas + Copia HC - Books

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Request: Hello! What do you think are the Papa's and the Cardinal's favorite books? Thank you! (You guys are doing amazing! Keep up the good work!)


Papa I: This man loves science fiction. He'll read anything as long as its taking place in a different universe, but his biggest pet peeve is when the science behind it doesn't make sense / seem believable. its one for full immersion, so when a missed detail prevents him from getting engrossed in a story he really loves, it's disappointing. always thinks the books are better than the movies, and as a kid he collected comic books (he only kept the ones that are valuable, monetarily or sentimentally) but theyre packed away in a box in an attic somewhere in the church, where no one will ever find it but probably Imperator, but she'll never tell... btw, he thinks the avengers movies are stupid. (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy,  The Martian Chronicles, The Stars My Destination)

Papa II: definitely a biography kind of guy. (not to literally assassinate you with cringe, but have yall read Looking For Alaska? how the main character is obsessed with last words? he's something like that). He loves to hear about others lives, and thinks that if we can't take the time to learn from the past, we'll move forward uneasily and unsteadily. you could ask him the most obscure question about the most obscure writers life, and he would be able to answer it, but if you asked him what he got for his 30th birthday he wouldn't remember. im not even sure he remembers what he had for dinner last night, but boy, does this man live vicariously through the lives and works of other people. (biographies of Catherine The Great, Ben Franklin, Anne Frank)

Papa III: as much as i want to say its playboy mags (because it definitely is) i know thats not valid and thats not what we came here for. this man absolutely loves romance novels. no matter how cheesy, no matter how impossible, this man is just so in love with the idea of love that he'll take all of it where he can get it. he could recite to you romeo and juliet from cover to cover, and would/will watch any movie reimagination that they come out with. he's a sucker for the tortured, painful, aching, absolute disaster that can come out of something supposedly so beautiful, especially when everything ends up alright. But some of his favorite stories, like R&J, are the ones that dont end with a happily ever after, because those feel just a little more real to him. he also would sit and read poetry for hours if he knew it would drive him absolutely crazy (sexual frustration? you mean ROMANTIC FRUSTRATION he just wants someone to have a crazy love story with) (R&J, Pride and Prejudice, The Flame and The Flower)

Cardinal Copia: much like Papa II in the way that he lives through what he reads, the cardinal is interested in action/adventure novels. When he's not studying up on history, his other main interest, hes plunged himself into the world of whatever the latest book he's picked up at the store near his house is. He loves vintage, and he really loves when the characters have as much depth as possible. it makes them more believe able, and it allows him to feel like he truly knows them. reading is his favorite activity, and favorite escape. (Princess Of Mars, Treasure Island"

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