Papa II HC - Sister Of Sin

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Request: But what about a shy or anxious sister of sin catching the eye of Papa II? >.>


- youre new to the clergy, new to being a sister, and just learning how everything works. just learning everyone's names, your duties, and your way around the church. as anyone is in a new environment, of course you're going to be shy and nervous and quiet. you're so busy that you don't even notice who looks at you, or how they look at you, or how often they look at you. You think, hey, the best compliment i can get is not being scolded for slacking off.

- but in the short amount of time you've been a sister, you've caught the unusually-wandering eyes of someone. A higher up. And he's not exactly impressed with himself about it - he makes a point to leave the sisters to do their bidding, while he does his, and leaves it at that. he doesn't want to come off like a creepy boss, or pressuring, or intimidating, but the last is something he does very well. He does make a point not to make personal relationships with anyone in the church, but the ones who throw themselves at him, well he doesn't consider those relationships.

- it could be months of him aching over you and you might have absolutely no idea. he would keep his distance, and watch you from afar when he got the chance. sneak a glance. look in your direction a little more when he was giving sermons, or addressing the group. you're oblivious because the idea of catching someone's eye, someone like Papa II, had never crossed your mind once. But you had.

- his advances are almost nothing at first. he's not the type to leave flowers, or love notes, or even talk to you. But he'll be around. he'll stand next to you in a crowd when he thinks it won't be obvious. he'll give you the best jobs to do around the church, nothing dirty, and things he think you might enjoy. if he hears you tell another sister what you like best and least, he'll listen. it's not until another sister mentions to you that someone higher up may have it out for you, getting all the very small special treatment. She meant the devil, you thought of II.

- when you finally notice his little advances, and don't seem to shy away, he'll do more. he'll speak to you, here and there, and mostly about church matters.but you're surprised at the way he speaks to you when you're the only one listening - in sermons and other speeches his voice is strong, and harsh, and potent. in conversation, his voice is quiet, and raspy, and gentle. it makes you feel warm inside. it makes you feel like you are seeing something not many other people get to see. you know for a fact he doesnt talk to any other sister, or his brothers, like this. you know he thinks you are special.

- the light conversation here and there continues for months. you think he's really not interested after all, and just being friendly. and the secret visits in his private office with other sisters don't stop. but you really can't help but think about him every day. sometimes when you wake up. sometimes when at your desk you hear the most salacious sounds from his office. sometimes when you fall asleep. every time he walks past your desk, whether he looks at you or speaks, or not, your stomach fills with butterflies.

- but he does care, and he does have eyes for you. but he wants to make sure that you're just as interested. he needs those months of almost-somethings almost-nothings to read every little sign you may be holding. read your expressions. see how you smile when he approaches. the tension is like a high for him, and when both of you are beginning to lose it a little, he'll make his move.

-he'll ask you into his office - you're worried maybe you've been giving off the wrong signals. you don't want to be one of those girls. you want to be His girl. he'll tell you to wait before his desk, and then goes into a locked drawer and pulls out a beautiful boquet of your favorite flowers - he listens when you tell your fellow sisters about how much you love them - and asks you if you'll honor him by agreeing to a dinner date. took him long enough

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