Dewdrop Request - Jealous

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Request from anon: That Mountain fic was really cuuuute! Could I make a request for a jealous Dewdrop with his petit s/o? (Someone smaller than him how crazy! Haha) Maybe Aether is knowingly flirting with her to mess with him. A nice mix of angst and fluff later on if you'd like but it's completely up to you really :)

"Hey," Aether leaned against the door frame in front of me, smirking wildly. "Come here often?" I laughed loudly, my cheeks getting hot.

"Oh leave it alone, Aether. You know if Dew hears you talking like that he's gonna beat you, right?"

"Eh." The ghoul shrugged, standing tall before sitting down beside me on the living room couch, crossing one leg over the other and resting his head in his hand on the backrest, facing me completely. "He's so small. Don't you want a real ghoul?" I did my best to ignore him while changing the channel from the movie that I was watching. I put on the news - something as plain as possible. I knew Dew would be home in only a few moments - I didn't know why he even invited Aether over when he knew he wouldn't be home on time to greet him.

"Dew is a real ghoul." I challenged. "And I'm small too. Perfect size match."

"Oh come on, darling. He can't even read."

"I think it's cute." I harrumphed, determined to be a good girlfriend.

"Yeah, yeah. And the soap rumors?" I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Well at least he always has fresh breath." I giggled. "I don't need to explain my love to you. Leave me alone."

"Oh sure... Aether rolled his eyes, scooting even closer. I moved in the opposite direction, putting my feet up on the couch to block him. Instead, he started rubbing them. "I know you want me, you know I want 'ya." He started singing ridiculously. I tried to pull my feet away but he just held on tightly. "Come on, what do you say," He smirked. "Go out with me."

"No, Aether." I narrowly managed to pull my feet from his grasp, one of my small black ankle socks coming off in his hand. I heard the keys turn in the door to our apartment. Thank Lucifer, he's finally home.

"Ohh, I'll keep this for later." Aether said seductively. "First a sock, then your panties." He slid my sock into his back pocket. I sat up tall and threw the pillow I was laying on directly at his face.

"Freak." I muttered.

"Honey, I'm home!" Dew screamed at the top of his lungs. I laughed, jumping up excitedly and running into his arms.

"Dew!" I cheered, cuddling into him and allowing the scent of his cologne to envelope me. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Hey, baby. What's wrong?"

"Aether's being gross..." I whined. When I looked up he kissed me quickly before kicking his shoes off and stomping into the living room. Aether stood up, his hands clasped behind his back, composed as ever. He winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Aether are you being gross?" Dew challenged.

"What ever do you mean, my dear bestest friend?" Aether smiled properly. Dew reached around him quickly and stole my sock from his back pocket.

"Why do you have her sock? You creepy foot fetish man."

"He said 'first your sock, and then your panties'!" I said from behind Dew. Dew slapped Aether so hard his mask went sideways.

"Leave her alone, you nasty freak." Dew gave my sock back and I slipped it on before we sat down on the couch again, Dew between us. Aether readjusted his mask, and groaned.

"Whatever you say, goblin boy." I did have to say, I was expecting more - Dew is usually extremely defensive and protective, especially when it comes to Aether. I knew he was only playing around to get a rise out of me, but it was still too much sometimes. I flipped the TV back to the movie. Aether tried to speak a few times, but Dew just shushed him, pulling me closer and closer until I was curled up on his lap with his arms wrapped around me tightly. I didn't want to say I liked when that happened, but it did put Dew in the mood for Prime Cuddling Time, no matter where we were. And that did always make me happy.

"I love you." He whispered into my ear softly, planting a kiss on my forehead. "You're mine right?"

"I love you too, Dew. Forever."

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