GHOST BC x Dentistry

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Ask: I absolutely love your HCs so much !!! As a dental student (who is currently DROWNING in work and ghost is my only source of refuge🥲)- I'd love to see your take on how the papas/ cardi would react at the dentist ! :)


Papa I: Goes regularly but only to check up on his dentures. He's too old to have real teeth. he keeps them in a cup of water beside his bed every night. He's gone to the same dentist for years now and they discuss bird watching for at least an hour when the appointment is finished.

Papa II: Takes care of his teeth really well only so he doesn't have to go to the dentist. He's the type of guy who never believes he's actually sick unless he's actually having a heart attack and maybe even then so he's not giving himself a reason to need absolutely any medical attention. When he has to go he flirts with all the assistants, and the secretary, and has taken every woman in the office on at least one date. Occasionally gets a slap for not calling someone back.

Papa III: No one understands how he has such perfect pearly whites when his diet consists of expensive liquor, coffee, red wine, and candy, but somehow they basically glow in the dark. My guess is, he brushes his teeth to make sure his breath is fresh for every hookup, and he usually has at least one scheduled for every day of the week, so he ends up brushing perfectly regularly. Brags that he's never had a cavity.

Copia: 100% he has the worst teeth of the bunch. Terrible god-awful breath that he's absolutely sure bubble gum covers up. He's TERRIFIED of the dentist and there's no way even Lucifer Himself could get him in that office after the incident

Mountain: Also hates the dentist, and doesn't believe he has to go. Brushes with those shitty bamboo toothbrushes and all natural charcoal paste, it does nothing, no one brings it up because with all the other smells coming from him no one would notice if he had bad breath

Dew: Paid off the dentist to have his teeth filed even sharper than they already are. Also paid off the dentist to tell Rain, who was in the waiting room and up next, that if he's not a good boy he'll have to take all his teeth. Also tries to fuck the assistants, but usually isn't very successful if Swiss came in first.

Aether: When Rain finds out that his teeth might all get pulled, Aether volunteers to go before him. Turns out that he has two cavities and needs root canals. He leaves the office with two teeth in a little plastic case and tries to leave before Rain can see the bloody gauze in his cheeks.

Rain: Absolutely sees the bloody gauze in Aether's mouth. Dew tells him that Aether was a bad boy too so he had to have all of his teeth take. Also tells him that the dentist collects the teeth until he has enough to make a floss necklace out of them. Rain leaves a ghoul shaped hole in the wall and runs all the way to the church screaming so loud he loses his voice for a whole week.

Swiss: He and Dew had equal parts in bullying Rain to tears, and they laugh about it the whole way home. He makes it to their annual appointments at least half an hour early every time to sneak a quickie with the receptionist in the x-ray room, and sharpens his teeth ass regularly as I get a mani-pedi. Also pays off the dentist to knock him out with silly gas. Aether is gonna have his medical license taken away very soon.

Cirrus and Cumulus: They never go to the dentist - or doctor of any kind - because they do it all at home for each other. No one asks how but they give each other fillings in their little cottage office/examination room all the time, along with stitches and scans and everything else you can think of when need be. Swiss thinks it's some weird roleplay sex thing and keeps asking to watch. They hide the silly gas in a locked blast proof safe, just in case. They offer to do a little work for Rain and promise not to take any of his teeth, but at the slightest mention of dental work he gets all woozy, so they mostly leave it alone. Worst comes to worse they could just drug him and do all the work while he's under so when he wakes up he's none the wiser.

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