Papas + Copia HC - Vampire

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Request: Copia and the Papas finding out their s/o is a vampire? :)


They slowly start to see signs (fangs coming out accidentally, glowing eyes, secretive behavior) and they confront them about it, only to have their suspicions confirmed

Papa I: was really hoping that he was wrong in what he thought... but he was right. normally, he loves being right, but this time, it was different. he didn't know how things would change. would your relationship be different? would your relationship end? he really didnt know how to feel about everything. he needs a lot of time to adjust to his findings, of this world he didn't know existed. but once he does, and once he understand what's going on, he's supportive. afraid, at first, but supportive. he loves you, and hes willing to accept whatever you may be because he wants to be with you. old dogs cant learn new tricks, but they can when their love is on the line.

Papa II: never ever believes you even though you've given him all the proof in the world. thinks you're just being silly and pretending, and he lets you. no matter how hard you try and explain it to him, it just wont sink in. he refuses to accept that you're something more than he thought you were. until... you bite him. you were just so hungry, and so mad that wouldn't take you seriously. but when he finally experiences first hand what you can do, boy, does he believe you. feels like a big dummy asshole for being so condescending about everything, and makes up for lost time by learning everything he possibly can about vampires and myths and lore. takes everything a little overboard, really. you have to tell him to calm down, and nothing will change about your relationship, and that you promise never to hurt him again.

Papa III: fascinated, excited, and a little bit horny. really, really wants you to bite him so he knows what i feels like. for... you know... research. also isnt super affected or weirded out by your being a vampire. in fact, he loves you a little more for it. so happy that you trust him enough to tell him what you are, even though he did confront you about it, and thinks that's a big step in your relationship. thinks that having a vampire s/o really only makes him more goth. wants to run around telling everyone about you and the things you can do but knows that he has to keep his mouth shut for your safety. boy, is it killing him...

Cardinal Copia: treats it like it's just one of your quirks that hes learning about. isn't very affected, honestly. at first you think he isnt taking you seriously about it, but when you realize that he's just that accepting, you only love him more. you could have told him you were a flesh eating zombie and he would still be there for you. quite concerned about how you get the blood, but that's none of his business, in his eyes. doesnt treat you any differently than he did before, he's just happy to find out that your secretive behavior lately is something so simply. apparently, drinking blood is much better than cheating...

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