Papas + Copia HC - Daughters

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Request: That Copia and his daughter hc sparked something in my mind. What if the daughter of the papas falls in love/dates or even marries a ghoul? How would each father react?


Papa I: He would probably accept it pretty fast, in the same way he'd accept his daughter falling in love with any other type of creature. A little worried for her safety, and probably try to intimidate them a lot, but still harmless and won't stand in the way of who his daughter chooses to marry.

Papa II: Probably more angry about it than if she fell in love with a human. He knows from plenty of experience that ghouls can be rowdy, and insatiable, and rough then they're not careful, especially with humans. And the things he's heard from his own ghouls are too disgusting to even talk about with his daughter. 10000x the interrogation that a human would face, stricter rules about going out of she still lives at home. He would probably try a little to convince her to find a nice human boy, but he knows well that you can't pick and choose who you love.

Papa III: A little hesitant, but he too knows you can't choose you who love, so he'd be the same as he would with a human future-son-in-law. If the ghoul respects women, can look him in the eye and shake his hand firmy (important that its a firm handshake), and treats you well, who is he to deny you happiness and the life and love you deserve. All he wants for any of his children is to be happy, and whatever makes them happy is good enough for him.

Papa IV: VERY hesitant. He knows ghouls to be true and loyal, but Lucifer are they disgusting creatures sometimes. Really as long as he meets them and they're NOTHING like Dew or Swiss, the ghoul will probably do just fine. If he had to pick a ghoul from the band that would be best suitable, it would be Aether, just because he's the most responsible and well manner over all (they all have good husband qualities, sure, but Aether he thinks is well rounded (also bc aether is a fucking suckup))

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