Nameless Ghouls HC - Carnival

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Request: The Ghouls/Ghoulettes taking their s/o to a carnival?


Aether: Definitely packs snacks for everyone because he doesn't like paying for the pricey park food. "It's the principal of the matter" he says every time you suggest an ice cream. He doesn't understand why you want all that sugary stuff when he has a perfectly good ham sammie right in his pocket. But if you bat your eyelashes enough he'll probably cave and agree to share a funnel cake with you - by share i mean he'll eat the entire thing and then youll have to buy another cause you only got one bite.

Dew: this is the fire ghouls perfect environment.Sugar, adrenaline, screaming children, and a chance to show off (all in one place!!!!!!) He'll eat every sweet, go on every single ride no matter how scared he might be (ppft hes not scared wtf were you thinking) and do every single game just to win you as many stuffed animals as you could possibly carry. By the end of the day he's so exhausted you have to tuck him in the front seat with your new stuffed Squirtle and let him sleep on the ride home cause he's just so sleepy.also probably the place he's least likely to be a danger to himself or others, cause he can get out all his energy.

Swiss: Much like Dew, he loves all aspects of carnivals, but definitely to a lesser degree. His favoute part of the park is showing off his biceps at that game you know the one where you have to hit the thing with a hammer really hard to win a prize yeah that one to make himself look good in front of you. Though he's much more chill about everything this is probably the worst place to let him and Dew run free together. Let's hope it's not a double date - can you saw Terror Twins?

Rain: really just wants to do whatever you want to do. Afraid of the big rides but it's like he always says, "what baby wants, baby gets". His favorite part is really just playing that game with the little duckies with the numbers on the bottom. thinks its cute and fun and a lot more safe than roller coasters. 10/10 most likely to give you a little kiss on the cheek at the top of the ferris wheel. most calm person to spend the day with, and no matter how tired he gets or how much his feet hurt, he's the least likely to ever complain.

Mountain: too tall for some of the rides, because his legs are just so damn long. he's just so large, you know. while you ride the kiddie rides, he promises to wait on the other side with your purse and all of the prizes you've one and probably your drink too. will drink it all thought as a tax for being his size. but tough guy over here screams like a BITCH on all the rides he goes on. louder and higher pitched than you. you really didn't know it was possible for him to make noises like that, but here you are, and here he is, blushing forcing you into never ever telling the other ghouls about it. just a 10/10 cool man to spend the day with.

Cirrus & Culumus: As nyx said, the ghoulettes are in lesbians together, so we'll do them together. these ladies will do whatever it takes to finesse the fuck out of the park. hop in the single riders line and get on faster. buy all the cheapest snacks and probably sneak in a flask or two. in it to have a good time but also see how much they can possibly avoid the rules. tries to get away with not wearing a seat belt on one of the rides just for kicks, ya know, but the operator caught them just before the ride started. almost got kicked out for that one.

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