Papas + Copia HC - Stray Pets

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Request: Papa's and Copia reaction to S/o coming back with a stray puppy/kitten and wanting to keep it.


Papa I: "Get that out of here...." he grimaces. big old man not happy. Probably some sad back story to this because there always is about how when he was a kid his puppy/kitten died brutally in front of them or that he was never allowed to have them. if you ever convince him to keep it, which would take soo fucking long you would consider giving up, it would become his new best friend instantly. sleeps on his chest, follows him everywhere. Papa I constantly makes jokes about returning it to wherever it came from if it peed in the house, but if it does, he cleans it up before you notice so you dont tease him about it. lowkey loves his new furry friend but would never EVER tell anyone that he lets a tiny ginger kitten sleep on the back of his head.

Papa II: Doesnt really mind, isn't really surprised. i can see papa ii dating someone whos pretty unpredicable in this way, so im guessing his reaction would kind of just be "another one???". you already have six dogs. "but this one is so cute!" you beg. "Ive never seen one like him before!" both of you know that whatever pets you bring home are your own responsibilities. he's brought home a puppy himself once too, as a gift early in their relationship, but it grew muuuch bigger than expected so it takes up all of his time. in fact, both of your time is spent taking care of your seven puppies. you have to have a special room for all their beds and bowls with labeled collars and leashes and toys. you have to get one of those belt things to tie the leashes too like a Pro Dog Walker.

Papa III: Goth Extravagant King over here, whom also happens to be the resident Softie Emeritus, loves when his S/o brings home kittens. You have so many black cats its hard to keep track of them, so he got name tags made custom. Insists you name them cool satanic things like Lilith, Asmo (short for asmodeus) and Drac, but when you finally let him name one he panics and calls it Cornbread. thats the last time you let Papa III name anything. It's a good lesson for later down the line if you're ever having children (See previous post). Every time a cat knocks something off the counter he would either just sigh dramatically and do nothing about it until you picked it up, or probably join in and trash the house.... chaotic bastard energy is real and he has it.

Cardinal Copia: Rat Man over hear doesnt mind as long as your new fur babies dont mind his fur babies!! as long as they dont hurt the ratties theyre A OK with Copia. Seems like the kind of person to start an instagram for all your pets and changes his own bio to: Love my fur babies!!!  🐀  #WineDad (dont come for me about this, im not wrong...) But it cant be a Judith HC if Copia doesn't panic somehow. If your pets so much as give one of his rats the side eye, Copia snatches up his baby and runs away with it. He wont have conflict in his household! It is a place of love and worship!! Every time your animal pees in the house (if it isnt already potty trained) he sticks his nose up in the air and goes "well my rats would never..." or just stands there looking at it wondering what to do. Logic, Copia... logic.

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