Various Members HC - Grief

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Request: if its not too heavy, can i request dew, swiss and the ghoulettes and how they would comfort an s/ who lost a loved one? one of my grandparents passed away a few mornings ago and nothing pulls me out of a slump quite like ghouls do


Dew: He would do is absolute best to cheer you up however he could. he hates seeing other people upset over anything more than a broken nail. Whenever you're feeling up to it he would take you out to a movie, or an amusement park, or to do anything you want to do in hopes of taking your mind off everything thats happened. He's not the best at giving advice, but he's good to talk to when you just wanna vent and let it all out. He hates seeing his s/o in a slump, and unhappy, and reclusive, and does everything in his power to put a smile on your face, even for a few simple minutes of relief.

Swiss: like Dew, he would try to take you out and get your mind off things, but he knows that it can be hard to go out and do things while youre upset without feeling ungrateful for not enjoying everything as much as you should. If you aren't ready to go out and do stuff, he's more than happy just to spend time with you inside, watching movies, or doing little crafts, or if youre up to it, cleaning. cleaning can do wonders for your mind, and takes one more thing off the list of things that are keeping you down. unlike Dew, he is actually really good at giving advice. He's more than happy to be your shoulder to cry on not just because its his duty as your s/o, but because he cares about you and doesnt want whats happened to weigh on you for longer than it should. He would make sure you know that everything may not feel okay now, but it will be eventually, and how much you mean to him.

Ghoulettes: The girls are the best shoulders to cry on, and almost do it professionally at this point. Everyone knows that theyre the best to go to when you need someone to talk to, or just some company while you grieve. They would take all your responsibilities off your shoulders so you have as much time to do your own thing as you need. They'll do some cleaning, if you have any work that needs to be done, they'll do it if they can, they'll make you food and tea/coffee and make sure you stay hydrated. Every time they come over Cirrus brings you a new fuzzy blanket and wraps you up like a little baby burrito. Culumus shows up with a new baby little animal half the time too because she read online thats what sad people like and its proven true with everyone else. You have no idea where she keeps getting new puppies and kittens from, but it doesnt matter, because you have a smol fuzzy cuddle buddy to snuggle and chill with for a while. They're the best at giving advice, and help you develop the best strategies to deal with your grief without ever coming off condescending or bossy. They know everyone grieves in different ways, for different amount of times, and just try to make it a little more bearable while you're doing it.

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