Various Members HC - Drunk

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Request: i think this could be really fun- do you have headcannons on how the papas and ghouls would act if they got super drunk at a party and their s/o has to help them get home and into bed safely :p


Papa II: this never happens. like everything. his tolerance to alcohol and every drug is so high that he almost never gets actually messy in public. on the rare occasion he gets too fucked up somewhere, its best to leave him there. if you try and tell him its time to go and he should go to sleep, he'll resist like you just told him he's on fire - he doesn't believe you, and wouldn't care if it was true. could can try as hard as you want, but if you get him outside hes passing out in the gutter, and you cant even lift him enough to get him into the uber (and even if you could he would grab the wheel and cause a crash). leave him where you found him and he'll be home in the morning

Papa III: now he usually doesn't get too fucked up at parties to keep his composure because nothing is worse than being messy in company, not even alcohol poisoning. he gave you strict instructions on what to look for that means its time to go home, and never to listen to him when he gets to that point and tells you he's fine. He'll probably just be falling all over you and telling you how pretty you are and how much he loves you and the things he's gonna do to you when you get home. as soon as you unlock the door he passes out in bed. just roll him onto his stomach and let him sleep it off.

Cardinal Copia: zero alcohol tolerance, this man is a mess after four drinks. you should probably have uber ready or a cab on speed dial the second he puts on his party hat. all you have to do is tell him hes being too silly, and he'll listen to every word you say. a really suggestible drunk - drink some water? take off your shoes? why dont we get in bed? and he will use all of the strength he can muster to do what you asked, even if it takes all night.

Swiss: He doesn't get messy. period. he could drink every bottle on the shelf and still be good to go, strutting around no problem, ready for whatever else the night has to offer. he'll probably be the one carrying home anyone who tried to keep up. and he will think less of you. he only ever tolerates messy from a few people - dew, his s/o, and he's prepared to carry rain to the uber most nights. if your his s/o and the relationship is new it's SUCH a turn off to get messy, and he probably wont call you back. if he actually loves you, he'll let it slide. on nights he goes out alone with swiss, you can just expect he wont be coming home that night.

Dew: Always messy so there's no difference. just slightly more vomiting and he doesn't even pretend to listen to whatever anyone else is saying. he's off in his own little world and dragging everyone else down with him. if he does get too fucked up you will literally never be able to get him home. like papa ii, best to leave him in the gutter and find him tomorrow.

Aether: never gets that drunk. ever. like ever. someone has to be the responsible one, and if swiss wasn't a dickhead, maybe he would take a night off, but swiss is a dickhead, so it's cool calm collected water for him. besides, someone has to DD, the church expense write offs for uber are getting hard to explain.

Rain: No tolerance, will get messy, knows this so he keeps an eye on his drunk levels closely. if he does get shitfaced, you can get him anywhere with snacks. street food, mcdonalds, the promise of cold leftovers at home, this man is food motivated and has the drunchies so bad. also a pretty obedient boy and feels bad if he thinks he ruined the party so he'll do whatever you ask.

Mountain: drinks like a tank, but also doesn't really party, so he doesn't really get messy, so much as quietly shitfaced and annoyed. he's also too big to carry home so you better pray aether is around to help. he probably wont listen because hes a man and he can do it himself, so he'll get on your nerves so bad you would consider leaving him at the party anyways if you knew he would get lost on his way home. no sense of direction. will tell whoever is driving theyre going the wrong way the entire ride home, and is always wrong.

Cirrus: Like Swiss, doesn't get messy, and has the stamina to keep up almost every night. if she gets so fucked up you need to take her home, shes probably just out with the girls and not the whole group, and absolutely will not listen to anyone but her s/o and Cumulus. just gotta be a little stern with her and she'll listen, so it's not to much of a problem.

Cumulus: like aether, doesn't get too drunk cause someone has to take care of everyone else, but she doesnt step in unless the situation gets really out of hand. however, on girls night, theres no stopping her, and her and Cirrus become the new Dew and Swiss - terror twins. getting her home is shockingly hard, and she will resist at ever possible opportunity. you have to make it seem like it was her idea - theres a formula and once you figure it out youre golden.

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