Nameless Ghouls HC - Cuddling

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Ask: Fluffy and nice ghoul cuddling headcanons. I headcanon that when Rain cuddles, he has his legs wrapped around your waist and his arms wrapped around your shoulders like you're about to pick him up and carry him around like a little baby. The way Aether cuddles is just like spooning but he makes sure nothing else can touch you just to protect you. Dewdrop probably cuddles by burying his face on you and trying to hide on you. He's embarrassed he's in such a vulnerable position but only trusts you!


Yes ! love this!!

You're definitely right about Rain. you know when youre lying with someone and there lying flat and you lay on top of them with your arms and legs around them and your head on their chest?? like a human blanket?? thats rain. its a good thing he's small so he doesnt crush you. also perfectly okay with being carried around the house like a small child.

Aether is definitely big spoon (1% of the time he needs to be held too okay) he'll wrap his arms around you and his top leg and hold you so tight like a giant stuffed animal. you can wrap your arms around his bottom arm so you have something to hold, and if you're always good it's a good thing he's always warm because he will heat you through (physically, and also melt your heart ya know?)

Dewdrop doesn't like that normal cuddling cutesy shit though. his idea of cuddling is your legs tangled together a little while you're both on your phones or watching a movie. He likes when you're just sitting together and you put your leg(s) over his. Normal cuddling makes him and his partner overheat really fast and he just doesnt like being that Touched if it's not a sexual thing. If you really need it or wanna cuddle he will cuddle normally, but you'll overheat beyond it being tolerable anyway. man is a furnace. small doses.

Mountain is chill about it. He's down to cuddle however his partner wants, but when it comes to sleeping thats a different story. you can cuddle for like ten minutes when you get in bed but then he has to roll over if he wants to actually sleep. but you can sleep back to back and touch butts all night or like, a gentle leg touch just to remind the other that you're there. also not huge on cuddling around other people and PDA in general, but a little here and there is alright. he thinks it's emotionally and private and that other people shouldn't get to see.

Swiss will cuddle like all of the above, whenever, wherever, but if he's the big spoon he will definitely get hard and try to hump you a lil or try and convince you that sleeping is lame and that you should have sex. too horny to survive being that close and Not getting a nut. but if youre Emotional and need reassurance he won't try anything because he knows thats a WatchMojo's Top Ten Stupidest Shit Ever Done move.

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