Papas + Copia HC - Children Getting Married

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Request: I loved the daughter ask! Ok emotional time! What are the papas/Copia like on the day that their daughter gets married???


Papa I: Old man will walk her down the aisle but and sit for the ceremony but most of the time he's running around making sure everything is going well from the catering to the flowers to the waiters to everything you can imagine. if he could do everything himself you know he would. It's not until the end of the night when most things are done that he can sit and relax, and really enjoy all the hard work everyone put into making the day special for his little girl. He has a few drinks, nothing crazy, dances as much as those old bones can muster, and everyone laughs in a way that makes him happy. He's just satisfied that she's having a good day, and knows it's not about him. happy camper.

Papa II: of course it's not like him to be very outwardly emotional, so he does his best to keep it in, but you can't deny the smile on his face is coming from the most deep parts of his heart. when she asked him to give her away on the special day, he actually let a tear drop down. that was the first time she had ever seen him cry. He's so thrilled that his little girl has found love (and incredibly enough, someone he approves of) and that she's happy. gets really drunk but just like happy drunk and wants to dance with his daughter and wife and even his brothers bc there was no way that girl could get married without her uncles there to witness it. During the afterparty near the end of the evening II is smoking a cigar with the groom and jovially says "you take care of my little girl now, or i don't know what i'd do." the groom replies "of course, sir." and II deadstares him and says "no. I'm serious. I don't know what I would do. Take care of her, or we'll both find out what that means." of course hes mostly joking and if the groom wasnt used to II by now he'd have shit himself.

Papa III: probably crying the whole time? Of course he payed for the whole thing, very humbly, but he also planned the entire thing - sure, his daughter got to pick the colors and the theme and things like that, but he took it upon himself to throw the most elegant and beautiful event of the century. And boy he did. He had a manager hired so that during he could focus on the special day and not worry about anything. He held back tears walking her down the aisle, and then fully cried when he gave her away and sat down. Cries during the afterparty. also gets really drunk and cries some more. Also wants to dance with everybody the whole time. makes sure to give them the most extra wedding present imaginable (can you say new house?)

Cardinal Copia: okay remember what I said about copia in the daughter thing before? i figured it out. He would be like Charlie in twilight. Very much "ill kill you if you hurt my daughter" and never saying another word. He's happy, but mostly watches from afar on the day unless she needs him or invites him to join stuff. He was never one for weddings, and he's only been to his own and now his daughters. He's more than happy to drink some beers and talk to other guests, and let his daughter live out her day to the fullest. The most she'll get out of him all day is a "you look very beautiful" and a heartfelt "im happy for you two" but it's more than usual so shes happy. He's got that look in his eye, you can see from miles away, that says hes proud of her.

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