Nameless Ghouls HC - Flu

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Request: Ive got the flu and Im suffering, so the ghouls taking care of their sick s/o headcanons pls

Aether: Dad Ghoul is going to make you all the best sick foods. A perfect homemade chicken noodle, oatmeal, things with plenty of garlic, tea with lemon, all your comfort foods, and anything you could ask for. Aether knows that the best way to take care of someone who's ill is to put good food in their tummy and get lots of rest, so he brings all your fresh warm meals to you in bed (or on the couch so you can watch tv), brings you all the blankets and pillows your heart could desire, and lets you get as much rest as possible.

Swiss: Smart pants would google every single cold remedy he can possibly find and make you try every single one of them and list what works for next time. Sore throat? salt water gargle to cleanse bacteria and a spoonful of honey and lozenges to soothe. Stuffy nose? nasal spray (looking at you, Nyx), hot showers, and steaming with hot water and a towel over your head. He'd get you any food he read would make you feel better and log which ones you liked (and which you didnt) and if they made you feel better at all. He'd give you vitamin C tablets in the beginning and end of your cold,

Rain: Most Likely To Cuddle you. He doesn't really know what you want and he's used to other people taking care of him (he does get sick so often). But he knows that when people are feeling miserable, unless they say otherwise, they most likely need a good snuggle. He'll do absolutely anything he can to cheer you up and make you smile, including playing music, dancing around like an idiot, telling you jokes, putting on your favorite movies, you name it, he's going to try it.

Mountain: Uses this time that you're home sick to pamper you a little. Obviously, he'll get you any food that you want, but he'll also give you gentle massages on your back and feet and anywhere you're having aches and pains. He'd take you to a sauna (or at least have you sit in a really hot bath) to help get all that mucus out of your body, and relax you enough to sleep (staying clean while you're sick is also important af, so a bath is probably the better option). He would make you fancy herbal teas from his collection (he's got a million of the type you need a steeper for) and would rub some lavender oil on your temples and chest to help you sleep better.

Dewdrop: in a case where you are no extremely terribly visibly ill, he immediately assumes you don't need him and would rather be left alone. You're going to have to tell this one how sick you are, and probably even ask for a little help with things while you're under the weather. But once he realizes you actually do need him (big ego boost). He'll do everything he can to help - the trouble is he's not exactly sure what to do. His mom just used to buy him a can of chicken soup and tell him to grow up, and when he's sick, that's what he does. Big partaker of the "Man Flu" much like I mentioned for Papa II, but that doesn't mean he wont try. He'll go to the store and buy you soup and every type of cold medication he can possibly get his claws on, and load you up until you're feeling better.

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