Ghouls - Pile Mentality

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Ask: For the wattpad book. Maybe cuddle positions with the ghoulettes? If you don't write them maybe the ghouls? Thx.



This is something I originally wrote in my actual book, Persephone Minor, and sort of a general ghoul thing. here is some well deserved ghoul lore, you have all been so good

When ghouls are young, they sleep in a pile with their brothers and sisters like a pack of wolves. It's both a comfort and safety thing. Physical touch is important to ghouls and helps them sleep, but also preserves body heat (Hell isn't actually that warm).As they get older they sleep alone more and more but a good signifier that a group of ghouls are close is if/how often they get in the pile. Arms and legs everywhere, horns in places horns shouldn't go, masks gone twisted and backwards. They make it work. When two ghouls are in a romantic relationship, it's all about comfort. That means beds, pillows, blankets, everything. Absolutely covered. They'll rip the cushions off the couch and steal the blankets from every bed in the house to give their partner and basically barricade them in their room. Ghouls do the same to children for the earliest years of their lives before they get pushed out of the nest, so to speak, to figure it out for themselves and play in the dirt. When an adult ghoul does it to another it's not only a display of affection and protection, but also a good sign a baby is probably right around the corner. If no baby ghouls are on the way (or possible, ladies) who doesn't like being snuggled up in a thousand blankets with a higher thread count then they can count to out loud anyways. Because of the pile mentality, ghouls will also sleep more on top of each other than beside each other in a bed, like a weighted blanket that loves you.

TLDR: rain and dew sleep on the bottom of the pile, Swiss sleeps mostly out of it but rests on the pile like a lawn chair. Cirrus and Cumulus sleep on top of the pile like the blankets, and Aether and Mountain are in the middle. When they sleep alone, Cumulus sleeps on top of Cirrus perpendicularly with either her legs hanging off the bed or her whole head. whenever she wakes up something is numb.

I hope this helps.

(if you wanna see this... written out... long form... perhaps in a marvelous work of fiction... by yours truly... you know what you should do... i dont have to tell you... you already know... youre so smart, darling... i'm sure you already know) (Persephone Minor) 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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